
How can I stop global warming?

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Help me and the earth!




  1. Why are you worried about something which man has no control over, or could influence?

    Learn some 'BASIC' science, and stop following those who wish to just 'Rip You Off'!

    The more you understand science, the less likely you will be 'conned'!

  2. Well, there are lots of ways to save the Earth. One way is to close the lights when you're not using them. Another way is to turn off the tap when you're brushing your teeth. Here's a website with 50 tips to help stop global warming.

  3. You cant.

  4. Um.....let's would have to reorganize our entire universe, not to mention undo about 10000 years of history. Why are you worried? Our planet goes through cycles. Warm, cold, warm, cold.

  5. stop using aeroplanes and recycle whenever you can also if a light is on in your house and there is no purpose or reason it's on turn it off!

  6. take the bus instead of the car

  7. You cant. Global warming is not caused by humans. it is a part of the earth's natural cycles. if you can figure out a way to stop something that humans have no control over let me know. it would be very interesting.

    just a warning. Don't fall into Al Gore's money scamming hoax!

  8. you alone could not stop global warming,it must be a team effort-the whole world should do it.we must not use plastics,vehicles running on highly polluting gasoline's(there are vehicles that run on hydrogen-fuel cells)we must stop using air conditioners(Ac's)and refrigerators that use(CFC-chlorofluorocarbon)and finally! re-cycle and use some products like paper,glass,etc

  9. like hello, how about you spread kindness.

    If we have a world where people can spread

    cheer and be at one with another, through

    understanding, 'stopping' global warming

    will be a piece of cake.

    Go on now, smile at someone who needs it.

         : - )

    Oh yeah, how about not driving the Escalade

    to the shops and taking a nice walk instead?

    Who knows, you might even meet someone

    special, or pick up, or.....stop global warming,

    maybe. Honestly though, I wish you and the

    other *roughly* 6 billion people who're gonna

    have to face global warming soon goodluck in

    combating it. Peace out.

  10. Stopping may not be possible but certainly slowing it down is do-able. We all have to contribute because we share living on this planet.

    Excerise some common sense - in your daily life, we all use up natural resouces. Just keep the waste down to minimal, renew it if possible then the generations behind us may still be able to enjoy mother earth like we do (did).

  11. Well walk instead of using cars...

    yea and plz dont smoke..

    dont waste paper...


    tell ppl about it warn them..

    it actually really then other ppl will start doing something about!!!

  12. Good news and bad news. The bad news first. Unfortunately , there is nothing we can do about it. The globe just keeps getting warmer and warmer. despite man's attempts to intervene and stop it we are unable to reverse the trend.

    And now, the good news. When summer is over, and fall begins, it will reverse itself automatically.

  13. Nothing, it's already begun!!!  don't worry, God will take care of the earth as long as His church is still here!

  14. by spreading the word to other people and becoming an activist getting your school involved talking to your local council to grow trees ride a pushbike and not drive a car

    get into campaigning against deforestation

  15. I'm willing to side with the experts on the "question" of whether Global Warming is influenced by human activity.

    As for what you can do:

    1. Save energy. Energy efficient appliances, weather stripping, insulation, CFL bulbs. It saves  you money... so why not?

    2. Use your car less, and use a more fuel efficient car.

  16. Ask yourself if you are really that concerned that it might be 41 degrees today instead of 40.  Do you really think the "earth" is going to be saved by a degree or two?  As a geologist, I take the word "earth" literally.  We are fortunate to live in a warm period.  Warming is generally good.  Cooling is generally bad overall.  Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

  17. Figure out a way to regulate the sun.  Until then, we are at its mercy.

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