
How can I stop hating myself just because I am blond?

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I seriously hate being blond. No, its not bleached, its natural. I used to dye it black but my hair got so damaged I had to stop. I just feel like I get stereotyped and stared at just because of a stupid hair color. But I really don't want to hate myself, what can I do?




  1. go to a therapist.  

  2. If you hate your hair color, change it. You shouldn't be forced to like it.

    Try something a little less damaging this time. Maybe a semi-permanent brown.

  3. You could always buy a wig. But that might not work, you could show people that your not the average dumb blond. But, everyone else won't stop stereotyping you until you put yourself out of the dumb blond category.  

  4. OooOoOooOOOk.

    IMO, blonde is the best hair colour =]

  5. Either learn to love it, or find ammonia-free hair dye. Seriously, ammonia-free does almost no damage to your hair, but the color is amazing.

  6. k i am not blonde but u shouldn't hate ur self just because of ur hair colour. i bet u r  a really special, unique and talented person. so just beacuse someone says something about ur hair colour or any one of ur physical features. just be ur self and ur real friends will like u 4 who u r.


  7. Ever try shaving your hair off?

  8. DYE IT PINK !

  9. Wow! This is an easy problem to fix. If you seriously hate blond so much (and many of us would kill for beautiful blond hair!) go with a dye product that doesn't lighten hair in any way. This will keep your hair in great shape. Some hair colors actually make your hair shinier.

    Good luck!

  10. Cut it all off. If it's damaged anyway, you might as well because it will never get better. I had a friend who was platinum blonde and she buzzed her head and her hair grew back darker ( and thicker too!). She loved every minute of it too. A lot of people had a positive reaction and everyone told her how pretty her eyes were. AND it would take you out the dumb blonde category and into the intense liberal chick category. Plus, you'd have a lot of different looks while growing it out.

  11. you need to voice out what you are thinking. tell people and live with it. but also you can get this great hair dye from john freeda and its amonia free so your hair barely gets damaged

  12. First of all there's nothing wrong with being blond ! You should be happy that you're a natural because millions of girls (including me) bleach there hair to look like yours ! But if you really don't want to be a blond you should try that non permanent colour like ''colour pulse" or "manic panic" !  

    Or if someone calls you a dumb blond tell them " At Least i have an excuse ... Why are you so stupid ? "

  13. just shave it all off  

  14. why would you wanna be anything other then blonde - blonde's do it better ! =)

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