
How can I stop judging people I've never met?

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I realize what I do is unhealthy.

For example, when a person walks by me, I judge him or her stereotypically.

What are some tips to help me discourage this way of thinking??




  1. Judging ppl is necessary and useful as a normal human survival instinct.  I would concentrate on treating the person fairly and as you would wish to be treated once you get to know them rather than worrying about your rush to judgment.  Remember, they did the same thing, too.

  2. I sometimes do the same thing, having been raised in  a VERY GROSSLY prejudiced, close-minded family. I find that thinking of my friends, whose individual qualities and character flaws I know, and comparing them to strangers helps. That is, say a tall Caucasian man, and a short Asian lady are walking together. Rather than point out the obvious stereotypes or cliches, remind yourself that those two people are, in fact, people. They have families like you, they have interests and personalities. Break down the stereotypes by trying to recognize individual traits and attributes.

  3. I don't really care and I'm not religious but I did hear this saying once. "even God himself doesn't propose to judge men until the end of their days".

  4. There's nothing wrong with that because honestly, we all judge. Just don't say your thoughts out loud.

  5. think of what those people could be thinking of you and how it's unfair because you could be completely different from the way they think.

  6. We kind of think of people the same way we think of ourselves. Do you judge yourself stereotypically? Try making a variety of friends that are different "stereotypes" and that will help you keep an open mind.

  7. Well, it's a long process of changing how you think, but a good start would be to purposefully notice the good things about people when you look at them.  When your mind says something negative about someone, turn it around... find the positive thing.  If that just seems too silly (for someone you don't know), divert your attention to nature, and notice the beauty there.  Give thanks for that beauty.

    Also, think of how you would like people to think about you.  Write down what you really want other people to think and say about you.  Then each time you pass someone on the stress (etc), imagine how that person would feel if you said something nice to them... like what you would like someone to say to you.  Put it into action.  You're already on the lookout - noticing other people - so turn your attention to what you could say to help them feel better about themselves, and have a little bit more happiness in their day.

  8. well here are a few words of inspiration that may or may not help you but i'll try my best to help you!!

    humans are humans no matter who they are or what they look like. Judging them won't change the outcome or income of anything. They are who they are and 90% of the time they are proud of what they do and who they are! And if people find out that you stereotype they will end up saying REALLY mean things about you!! They will stereotype you, and you really don't need that! I'm guessing you have enough stress in your life like everyone else so you don't need more!!

  9. Remember that they may be judging you as well. And read a book on Critical Thinking skills.

  10. Just think how people would stereotype you, and how wrong they may be. That may help you think of how wrong you may be about ta particular person.


  12. Bless you for wanting to change in you what is natural to all of us.  Sociology teaches us a simple lesson in human nature: our groups (the ones with which we identify) are in-groups (OK); other groups are out-groups (bad).

    I cannot tell you what you should do, but I can tell you that the following have helped me: leaning foreign languages, cultures, other religious belief systems, frequenting places where my "out-groups" met after I had determined to meet and understand the members as human beings, listening when I wasn't really interested just because the subject mattered to the speaker, and prayer.

    When I show interest in people who I think are not like me, they "morph" into people like me.  I get a glimpse of how God sees us all.  If we could all understand each other's languages, social perspectives, and daily trials of just living day by day, I am convinced we would all understand that everyone is human, a part of a family too often at war with itself.

    My best wishes.

  13. you are filling void of your imperfections....

  14. well for starters when did this all start?you are in the right direction knowing you have a problem so now take charge meet the people you are trying judge just go up and say hello my name is and find out about them and start judging yourself you have to look in before you can look out

  15. everyone [sadly] does this to some extent, it's just human nature.

    wanting to stop thinking like that is a great start, so try to prove to yourself that all people are great in their own way!

    reading can also help the perception of everyday people, not to mention improve your outlook on life :)

  16. You realize you are doing it, so I guess keep telling yourself it's not right.

    As long as you are just thinking things, and not treating someone poorly based on what you think, you're really only hurting yourself.

    I know some people break bad habits by putting a rubberband on their wrist, and snapping it when they do something like that, but I don't know that hurting yourself is a good idea for any reason.

    Maybe, put a nickel in a jar for every bad thought you have about t person, then donate that money to charity?

  17. nothing

  18. not unhealthy...everyone judges everyone else the moment you meet someone. Its the way of the world. Get over it

  19. you don't make any sense?

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