
How can I stop moss from growing in a damp area?

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I already pretty much killed some moss in a damp area on the back side of my house. How can I keep it GONE so it never comes back? Is there something I can put on it? Any suggestions?




  1. If it's shaded by trees, you can thin the trees or prune the lower branches to let more sun in.  That will tend to dry the area, and hopefully kill the moss.

  2. eliminate the shade, moss only grows in the shade, there are products out there you can purchase like at home building centers, called moss off, it works, we used it on our roof

  3. Try some landscaping ideas like sand. if you make a border where its at and fill it in with sand the moss will not get any sunlight or oxygen to survive. plants need these to survive

  4. I don't know how to get rid of it forever but I pour hot boiling water on weeds and moss.  It kills them and they generally don't come back.

    It is better than chemicals and weed killer, especially if there are animals around

  5. Get a product called TSP, you can get it at almost any hardware store.  Mix a tablespoon with two cups of water and drop in a bit of dish soap.  Scrub the visible moss off with a stiff brush then scrub some more with the TSP solution, this should kill the spores and destroy the moss.

    Once you do this, you have to keep the area dry or the moss will be back in a coupld of months.

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