
How can I stop my cat from attacking my dog?

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We recently came home from a week-long vacation during which my cat and dog (who grew up together) were separated. For no apparent reason, my cat freaked out (a day after our return) and has been stalking and attacking my dog -- hissing, chasing, trying to jump on him and scratch him. I'm not sure if the vacation has anything to do with it, but it seems very strange.

This has happened two times before: once when the dog was getting in trouble and the other time when we were playing.




  1. I spray my cats with water to get them to quit whatever they're doing wrong  

  2. It sounds to me like your trip away caused anxiety in your cat. The cat may have used the dog as a scapegoat for its anxiety. I would recommend rubbing the dog down with a towel and placing it under the cat’s food and water bowls so it will accept the dogs sent again. Then slowly reintroduce the animal with treats so your cat associates the dog with tasty goodies. The cat should be praised and rewarded for good, obedient behavior in the presence of the dog, never punished, so that it does not come to regard the dog as being the cause of any punishment.

  3. Sounds like your cat may be on her period!  I am sure it will pass and everything will be all right again in paradise.  

  4. Well you can spray the cat anytime it's attacking the dog. Or maybe you can keep them separated, but they can still see each other, such as they are in two separate rooms but the door is made of glass. That's how I got my cat to get used to the new one that we adopted... Though I know you've got a different situation, maybe this will be helpful. lol.  

  5. The cat is jealous. And responding. Think about it, you are dropped off at a baby sitters with your sibling and your mom and dad leave forwhat seems like forever. The first thing when they get back you are gona want... ATTENTION! But your sibling is trying to get attention too. I would act up as well. Especially towards the sibling. Same concept with your pets.

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