
How can I stop my cat from scratching vehicles???

by  |  earlier

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My dad has threatened to get rid of my precious cats (I have 3) if they don't stop jumping on top of his truck. I admit they have scratched it up really bad and my dad is super pissed (I don't blame him, actually). To make things worse, his truck is colored Black, so the scratches are very noticeable and pretty ugly. We've tried using vehicle covers all types of material, but that has failed time and time again.

I love my babies very much and I don't want to lose them. How can I stop them for doing this to my dad's truck??? HELP!!!




  1. either try making ur cats full time indoor cats or declawing them (preferably the first answer since declawing is somewhat cruel).

  2. Yeah, declaw them

  3. If I were you, I would watch and see when the cats jump on your dad's truck.  When they do, set off the car alarm.  It will startle them and if done enough, they will learn not to jump on it.

  4. declaw them

  5. They have nail caps I believe they are called softpaws...I believe Petsmart carries them.  It appears the cats are cold so maybe another comfy location indoors is the answer...Keep thier nails trimmed to start.  

  6. omg i noe how you feel my cats well jump on my dads trck at night and fallasleep on it lol das what you do i did this to my cat dont take them outside make sre they have a liter box thats what i did to my cat and teach them right from wrong but if da want to go outide go with them and make sure they dont jump on da truck and then they should no its bad

  7. if the truck is in a garage and you have a cat door to the garage board up the cat door and if the food is in the garage put it in a shed that is the exact same thing that happened to me

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