
How can I stop my cat urinating on the Sofa?

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My 11 year old castrated male has just started urinating on the carpet and sofa.

I took him to the Vet and he was checked thoroughly, and a full blood test was done. everything negative.

We have had no changes in the house, no new furniture, no new animals, nothing that I can put it down to protest weeing.

he and his long time companion have never been outdoor cats as he is allergic to the immunisation, and nearly died the first time I tried to get him inoculated.

I am at my wits end. I have tried sprays, pepper, etc etc.

The cat litter is always cleaned everyday, and he has a selection of one upstairs and one downstairs.





  1. There are sprays that help. You may need to get a new sofa.

  2. Have you tried squirting it with water it's harmful and it will in the end i hope stop p-ing on your settee. good luck

  3. Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  4. cats hate the smell of anything citrus so try using a spray with lemon in it,also try putting a litter tray near your sofa and every time you catch him doing it put him straight in the litter tray. good luck  

  5. They have spary for that go to ur local pet store and ask them the question, they're experts and they probably have something to cure it

  6. Kill cat no more probs

  7. Hi Cina 99,

    I wrote an epic yesterday but yahoo was "on an extended coffee break!" when I tried to send it so forgive me if I bullet point & ramble!! Got it now, think it’s because my answer’s too long, will break it into 2 –3!

    Did your vet do a urinalysis as well as a full physical exam?

    Have you by any chance changed litter/position of tray?

    Would you consider(for a short period if nec) a 3rd tray in a quiet area & an extra feeding area too?

    Have you considered Feliway (feline pheremone) plug-in +/- Feliway spray on the areas he's using?

    Didn't realise there was limited space, if you let me have your email, can email you the rest!

  8. I was having the same issues with my female cat but she gets urinary tract infections so shes on a special diet. even after i put her on that stuff she would still once in a while pee on towels my sofa and my clothes. I took her back to the vet and they found no crystals in her urine so my vet suggested we put her on prozac {basically she is a scaredy cat litterally and ever since shes been on it we have had no problems with her. go back to your vet and talk to him about behaviral issues with your cat. good luck!

  9. hmmmm...

    1.see the vet again and tell the about you problem

    2.ask the vet if she/he can give you any anser to whats behind the problem

    3.don't panic

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