
How can I stop my dogs from doing this?

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Whenever a person is walking or jogging past my driveway my 5 month old Alaskan malamute and 4 month old Chow/Lab mix go running after that person. I call for them but they ignore me....

They would never ever attack a person or bite, they are the most lovable and friendly dogs but people that go by don't know that. We are working on putting up a fence but thats months away from being completed.

Does anyone have any training tips on how I can make them stop running after people?




  1. well you can start  by trying a few different things.  like  when  you FIRST  see  some one might approach  you  Can  misdirect the animal  by using  a squeak toy like " look look look what I have  "  and squeak the thing like mad.  But  i think in this case the best thing would be to teach them to come when called.  You can do this by getting   on all fours ( sounds weird i know)  like your gonna play with them. You are MUCH more interesting when they don't know what your doing. If you just call their name over and over it gets old to them  and they then ignore it.  When they come to you give them a small treat.  You can also  blow a whistle  or  click a clicker  b 4 the treat to let them know that they have  done  the correct action.

    Now  to get them to know the clicker means good dog > :P    click the clicker and follow it with a treat. or  blow the whistle  on short time and give them a treat. repeat it several times until  they  relate the sound to the treat.  then any time u blow the whistle   they know yummy stuff is coming.

    Sounds like a lot  but dogs  will pick it up in just 5-10 mins.  

  2. You need to work on the recall technique. Do you have a clicker? If not, you should definitely get one. Practise by calling their name, click when they respond and then reward them with a treat. If you do this a couple times a day, every day they should begin to listen to you.

  3. FYI - it's instinct for a dog to chase anyone that is running...

  4. The absolute best tip I can give you is to NEVER let your dogs out unless you are on the other end of the leash.  People should be able to walk around the neighborhood without being intimidated by dogs running after them.  Since your dogs do not respond to verbal commands, you may be in trouble with the law, as most places have leash laws, whereby your dog must either be on a leash, or under verbal command any time they are out of doors, unless they are in a securely fenced yard.

  5. So are you saying they are loose?First thing is you need to learn how to train your dogs on a leash.Get into some training classes in your area ASP.With some normal training you can begin to work on this.If you refuse to take the time and work needed to correct this then maybe you should rethink being a dog owner.It is your job to make your dogs a social part of the world around you.Never for a second think your dogs would not bite some body with the mentality you are allowing to happen it WILL happen.This is called pack mentality and it gets out of control when humans allow this kind of mis behavior.Be a responsibly pet owner by training your dogs (find classes near you in the yellow pages or news paper) or you will end up getting sued or worse the dogs could get taken away and killed for being out of control.Tilks Mom

  6. Dogs are pack animals. When they see someone (dogs who are raised by humans, see humans as fellow pack animals), they run or walk behind them because it is instinct to do so. Chain them up or put up a fence for now. Take them to obedience classes and find ways to break their concentration when they see someone walk or jog by.

  7. Bring 1 inside and get a treat them say stay and teach them to stay

  8. Well some people may be scared of dogs and you can NOT leave your dogs to chase those poor people.  Do they know that the dogs are harmless?  Most don't, and even if they were friendly, wouldn't it be alarming if two dogs came running at you?  You should keep them leashed or get that fence done.  How about calling in a professional to help you get that fence up?

  9. when a person walks by sit with your dog and if they still try to run off tell them to stay *name* When they calm down and the person is gone give them a treat right away if you wait with giving a treat they wont know what they did was good,  also I know if you have a petsmart by you or any other obiedance class they help work with you with coming with distractions along with other helpful tricks, games, behaviors

  10. You need to teach them down-stay. It will take some work. But the pay off is that you can get it so good your dogs will just drop on command.

    Start with the sit-stay:

    After your dogs do this well, then put them in a down and do the same exercise. From there you want to teach a drop command so they'll just down and stay no matter where you are when you give the command.


  11. Your dog feels like he has to protect you.and starts to bark and more than likely his hair stands up which means back off man!!! Don't worry about this if your outside and this happens make sure you hold them and say its ok I'm fine it works for my dogs.

                            hope this helps!!  

  12. If they're outside, they should be tied/tethered and supervised.  Instant solution with minimal cost and immediate results!

  13. First of all, never say they would never attack. In the right situation, they will. It may be because they are protecting you or their space. But you never know what could happen. If someone asks if they bite, simply say "not yet."  Now for the barking at passersby. Ask a friend that your dog will not recognize to walk by several times changing thier look each time. Change to a hat, or jacket. Just enough to change his apperance. With your dog on a leash, correct him gently as soon as he starts to get excited. Try to keep his attention with a treat or a favorite toy. Reward him for good behavior. Work with one dog at a time. Then together after they show progress. Keep this up for several days. They will learn that it is more fun to stay with you.

    Oh and by the way, your dogs may be able to jump that new fence. An alternative is to get a wireless or underground dog fence. And follow the directions very carefully when training them with the fence. If you are putting up the fence just to contain the dogs, this would actaully be a cheaper and more effective way to go. I hope this helps.

  14. Strart interacting your dogs with people more walking them on leash and letting people pet them. They are more than likely not aggressive but just excited and looking for attentioin. Remember your dog is like your child and your responsibility and you have to be the Alpha. Also you could have friends walk by with treats and when theystop barking and acting aggresive reward them. Nip it in the bud now before they get to big for you to handle.  

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