
How can I stop my neighbours cigarette smoke coming into my house?

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Please Help! My disgusting neighbors are heavy smokers and their dirty cigarette smoke smell is constantly bombarding my beautiful clean home. I have asked them politely if they could smoke outside or near a door, but to no avail. I have a 6 year old and a 9 month old baby and I am terrified of the long term health affects it could have on them. I cant afford to move like most people, so could anyone suggest if I could legally stop them or know any organisations that would be able to help me.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. My first thought:  Oh shut up!  I'm assuming you live in an apartment, right?  You cannot tell someone else what to do in their own place that they are fairly renting/leasing/owning.  However, if they are tresspassing onto your property (and they COULD be, as loud music can be considered tresspassing at times), I'd either ask your apartment/condo manager slash landlord et all. if there's anything you can legally do.  There may not be, in this case, but it's possible to approach that person on how to legally survey other neighbors on 'tresspassin' and disturbances that are similar and what they think you (plural - as in everyone who lives there) can do about it - similar to a neighborhood association.  this means maybe all residents can have some courtosey ground-rules if others' actions affect those living there.  I don't know what state you live in or what your agreement that you signed states.  I'm sure that thing tells you who you can talk to if you have a complaint.

  2. Found a useful link. They aren't going to stop smoking. You need to see where it's getting in and seal gaps, install draft excluders etc.  

  3. You are not helping things by referring to your neighbors as "Discusting. This is an indication that the seat of your complaint goes a bit deeper. You are obviously "house-proud" and it is that fact that you are protecting. I just cannot believe that 2 people smoke so heavily, in their own home, that it is a threat to your children. My children grew  up with both parents smoking and as yet they have never had any health problems at all. (eldest 44yrs) I think your story is grossly exagerated. I wish your children good health, but I just cannot believe that, despite the fact that there are2 gardens between the houses (yours and theirs) your kids are being affected. We fought for freedom, now lets keep it. Now I've got to have a ciggarrete, excuse me..    .  

  4. sometimes i smell my neighbors smoke to, and i hate it.  my entire house smells of it.  i want so bad to go over there and have a talk with them but i find it difficult to do.  Even tho they are such a nice family its still difficult.  

    since its only occassionally when they have visitors i just close my door and say nothing.  if it was every day i would definately say something.  

    you are in a difficult situation, because they have every right to smoke on there step.  If you confront them they are just going to tell you to shut your door then.  Majority of smokers are very rude about there habit.  Very few are understanding.  If they wind up being rude to you its only going to fustrate you even more and now your fustration will turn into anger.  


  5. There is no scientific evidence that proves cigarettes are harmful, so don't worry about it.

    EDIT: Yes there are theories, but nothing has been proven, look it up.

  6. have people on your street sign a petition, and bring it to them, and if that doesn't at least make them slow down a little bit, call your local authority and ask them questions referring to that subject, hope i helped.

  7. This question sparked my interest as I have a similar problem living in a semi next to what seems like a thousand smoking students (they moved in after us!).. I did find this:

    Under "Tobacco legislation and regulation UK & European Union" (best to Google it).

    The basic content is that:

    Section 79 of the Environment Act commits any fumes,gases or SMOKE deemed to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance to be a "statutory nuisance". Section 80 of the Act allows for local authority to intervene in such a situation,evaluate the nuisance caused and require the party responsible for the nuisance to 'prohibit or restrict its occurrance or recurrance'.

    If this fails,Section 82 of the Act allows the appellant to take their case to a magistrates court for adjudication.

    Although obviously it's better to handle these things on a small level with your neighbour!

    All I can suggest on a smaller level:

    Try to clean the affected rooms thoroughly if it really is a worry - including washing windows and carpets - definitely change bedding frequently. Also consider investing in an air purifier.

    Why should we have to pay so much to keep our own houses clean of other people's cigarette smells!?! I'll be looking to move into a detached property next time. Some consideration please smokers!

    Good luck and let me know if you have a good answer!!

  8. You can't stop them smoking in the privacy of their own home.

    What I find difficult to understand is how their smoke is bombarding your home! Is it seeping through the wall or summat??

  9. There is scientific evidence that tobacco smoke is harmful, but even if it weren't, the odor is offensive to you, and that's reason enough. Unfortunately for you, your neighbors have the right to smoke in their own homes. About all  you can do is keep your windows closed and hope they move soon.

  10. Common get a life move to somewhere that's a non smoking building, oh you better make sure they take babies cos someone in the next door apartment might not like the sound of crying babies and children having temper tantrums.

  11. That stinks I'm sorry. What about buying one of those Professional EverClear Smoke Removers. You know those machines they use to have in restraunts? Put it facing your windows to get rid of it.

  12. Go up to them and say, I am sorry but Your smoking is going to start harming my children. If you were me what would you do. Want the best for your children or want them to get harmed...

  13. Go to your neighbor and politely tell them how you feel uncomfortable with their smoke coming into your house and ask them to maybe smoke somewhere else? tell them about your baby, make sure you are polite though and that it does bother you.

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