
How can I stop my one year from vomiting / gagging himself for fun?

by  |  earlier

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He used to gag himself and find it really funny. I have been trying to stop it for six months now without success. Now, he's become so proficient at it that he can gag himself without using his fingers.

Starting on Friday for a total of three times now, he has forced himself to throw up, clapped and laughed. He loves it.

I am beside myself trying to find a way to get him to stop. I would have thought that he wouldn't like the sensation of throwing up, but nope, he finds it funny too.

Any wisdom to share?




  1. Its called "The Brat" diet.  B.R.A.T. Banannas,Apples,Tea,Rice. or Bananas,Rice,Apples,Tea. Its hard to throw up, Plus it has fiber and vitamines.

  2. I dont no where to get it but ask your chemist

    Theres this stuff you can get that you put on your babies hands that doesnt taste nice, its speciffically formulated so as to not harm the baby and after a few tries bubs wont like the taste and stop

  3. my little guy used to do this too, especially when i would put him to bed, cause he knew it would make me come in there with him if he threw up (he was 1). i used to get really worried about it, but then i started to just go in and change his sheets, clean him up and put him right back to bed. the less attention you give them for it, the less fun it will be. don't laugh back at him when he laughs and he will start to think he's not entertaining you with it and hopfully stop!! good luck!

  4. Lol mine does that too. I dont know what to do either. good question. Usually I just take her hand out of her mouth and say no in a stern voice. It doesnt seem to be helping

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