
How can I stop my one year old house cat from peeing around my house?

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After my son was born, my cat began peeing around the house. She has not been spaded, will that help? What about a temperment shot? If I can't stop this then my wife wants me to get rid of this cat that our 4 yr old daughter has had since she was two, and our son is 2 months. thanks




  1. She needs to go to the vet. She may have a bladder infection. Sometimes stress can cause the immune system to be weakened allowing for infections to set in. The stress of the new baby could be what triggered it. She should be spayed. That will definetly help.

  2. I don't know for sure how to answer you but I found a good site about why cats spray. you can click on the link and read it for yourself. It talked about how sometimes cats spray for marking territory. Among other things.

  3. Unaltered animals are known for peeing where they shouldn't.  This is why is so important to get them spayed/neutered while they are young.

    Get it done now and she should stop.

    By "temperment shot", I'm guessing you mean the 'distemper' has nothing to do with their temperament- it has to do with a flu like virus that cats get.

  4. let it have its buisness  

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