
How can I stop my puppy getting so distressed when I have to go out for an hour or two?

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Hi - Thanks for all your answers I will try them out this afternoon




  1. Well, my dog is the same way and I have found that if I leave the television on while I'm gone he does ok.  I've set  up a camcorder to run while I'm gone to see how he acts and I forgot to let the tv on the one time and he seemed a lot more upset then the times I've left the tv on.  You could try this and see how it works. If you have a camcorder set it up and tape him while your gone to see what he does. It's very interesting to watch.

  2. This is considered separation anxiety or at least the start of it because it is a puppy.

    i have a great website for you with a lot of different tips.

    Examples of some things you will find

    Try to make your arrivals and departures very boring and low-key. Don't make a big fuss over saying hello and goodbye. Be very casual and up-beat.

    Try to make interactions with your dog on your terms, not his. You pet him, treat him, or play with him when you want, and not when he asks for it.

    Get your dog used to your getting-ready-to-leave cues, like picking up keys and jacket. Go through these actions repeatedly during the time when you're staying home, without actually leaving. If your dog has already learned to associate his fears with your departure cues, it will take a lot of repetitions before the dog will get it.

    Give your dog more exercise. A tired dog is a good dog! A dog can sleep most of the day if he's tired enough. Most young dogs could use 20-100 minutes of full-speed running per day. Increase your dog's exercise. Don't forget mental exercise, like training, exploring new places, encountering new smells, and social interaction with other dogs. Taking your dog to a park where he can run and play with others may be crucial.

    These are just a few there are many more.  

  3. Your pup is having separation anxiety! It's okay most puppies do. Yet you want to get this under control now as when they are adult dogs it will result to barking. They have an attachment to their owners due to not having their typical mommy around ;) You just have to ignore it. Your puppy is learning that if he/she wines or barks crazy or goes into a shaking/drooling panic state, you are probably going over to your pup checking on him/her. Your pup is learning that well if I act this way then I get what I want. You just have to be a leader and walk away. You can't show any emotion when your pup gets like that. Do you go straight to your puppy when you come home??? Try to not do that for a week. Give your pup a few minutes when you walk in the door from your outing before you give it attention. What this is going to do is teach your pup you come to him/her on your time. The reason is you're the leader. Don't let your puppy learn to lead you. It will cause more problems as an adult dog. It will take time for your puppy to understand it's okay when you leave. Just don't react to your puppy by going back in the house to make sure he/she is okay.

    It took mine a couple of months to get it. He's independent now.

    I hope I helped.  

  4. you could start by leaving the house for a short amount of time like a minute or two. Lock up like you are going out wait a while and come back in. This is just so your puppy knows your coming back. You can gradually lengthen the time you leave for so that the puppy gets used to you leaving.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Are you using a crate? If so, put him in the crate when you are home so he knows its okay to be away from you and he can survive when your not around. I put my puppy in his crate whenever i'm a little busy and i can't watch him at home, ie laundry, dishes, eating.

    The pup might not like it at first but get feathered pillows, or a feather blanket and make it comfortable for him.

       Now my puppy goes in there when he's tired, its like his own  little room, and he loves it, he brings his toys in there and everything.

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