
How can I stop myself from listening to other people's judgements?

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I take other people's judgments very seriously. I don't like it that way....I like the way I am but I listen to their judgment. I try to change but it's almost impossible for me. Maybe I am as bad as they think? Even my friend judges me. What should I do?




  1. Here are a few tips:

    - Understand that other people's judgements are only personal opinions, not facts.

    - Learn to disregard other people's negative judgements, although I can totally understand how difficult this can be. The most important judgement of them all is your own - your own self-esteem.

    - Never change who you are because somebody else judges you. Who are they to demand such a thing? REAL friends will accept you for the wonderful individual that you are.

    - People who judge you negatively without reason have problems of their own. Maybe they are driven by jealousy? Maybe they are driven by self-hatred? These people have the problems, not you.

    - If you are being bullied it's vital that you defend yourself by either confronting them or seeking help from others. You must understand that these people have NO right to treat you in such a way. What gives them the right to judge you? Nothing!

    Good luck!

  2. Remember this no one has the right to judge you no more then you should of them. But, I think you should just learn to trust yourself and your judgements for your life and you wont go wrong you know you better then anyone and besides in the long run who else will pay for your mistakes but you? And try in there some where to remember everything happens for a reason even if only a lesson to someone else there is always a reason for what is and why something is happening.

  3. no one has the right to say u r not good enough... just dont listen to them, or give back a good telling off! u know why people never stop paying remarks at u? its because u listen to them! i also get criticised and even talked about because i speak my mind and do what i like, but i dont give them a d**n. i cant shut their mouths so i just ignore them or give them a good sarcastic answer, this way they will stop commenting on u and will find another victom to be judged and advised.


  4. Listen to the song "Hi Hater" by Maino. It kinda tells you what you should think of haters (a lot of swears, dont listen to it with your grandma or younger sister in the room)

  5. Well I know how you feel because my mom always compares me to everyone else, especially my out of the country cousins. All I say is I don't care who you compare me to and judge me on because I am who I am and you shouldn't be even basing your judgment on them but only on me. Your not as bad as you think, people will always have their opinions on something. What you need to do is find out who, what and how you really are. That way when someone says otherwise you will know where you stand and be able to throw down those judgments.  

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