
How can I stop myself from waking up just as things are getting interesting?

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waking up from an interesting dream!




  1. I usually wake up because I have to use the bathroom.  Try not to drink too much  before you go to bed.

  2. Please clarify this waking up. Waking up from what?

  3. Hahah! ur funny! Just take a dose of sleeping pills...You can be assured you'll stay in it...:-)

  4. try and learn lucid dreaming

  5. what kind of interesting?  You need to have an interesting life instead, thenyou dont compete with your dreams so much.

  6. In your dream, you always wake up when things are getting interesting because your brain is getting a rush of emotion and this overtakes your normal limit and then breaks you to reality. There's no way you can stop this because you can't control your emotions. If you are in excessive control of your emotions you will find that you are creating the intersting bits of your dream. Either way, you have hardly any control or you have too much control which could disrupt your dream

    Just 'que sera sera' it...whatever happens in your dream, let it be.

  7. You can control your dreams, but it is very hard cos you need a lot of concentration that most people don't have in the morning! lol

    I hoped I helped!

  8. I've trid to get myself to get back to it by willing myself, once I feel myself lifting out of it, sometimes it works, some times it don't. Doesnt that suck? And its always right at the hottest moments...why?

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