
How can I stop other girls from hating me so much?

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I'm starting a new school in January and I want to make friends with girls because normally they all hate me. It's not jealousy because I'm not that pretty. Do I give off a bad vibe? I just want to make friends. Girls say I try too hard with guys but I only make friends with guys because girls hate me. I only have one friend that's a girl but I want to make more. Any help?




  1. FIRST HAVE SELF CONFIDENCE, DON'T SAY YOU ARE NOT THAT PRETTY. just be yourself. you can't change who you are as a person for all the wrong reasons. THE GIRLS MIGHT BE JEALOUS OF YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH THE BOYS. FEMALES ARE TO SNEAKY, STICK WITH THE ONE THAT YOU HAVE. if the other girls want to be your friend they will eventually come around or to h**l with them. enjoy the friends you already have and the new friends who appreciate you for who you are. YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. GOOD LUCK.

  2. hey girl just be super friendly......and look cute......girls flock to pretty people more

  3. I don't mean this offensively but have you checked body oder maybe perfume added to deoderant and stuff.Dont dress slouchy.Do your hair and make up hygene before school.Dont give too much personal info.Be polite.Dont go near other girls guys........Keep an open mind give opinion selectivly but dont critisce.If they can't accept you then they aren't worthy of you.

  4. just be yorself and evry thing will be cool.

  5. Be your self and be friendly! Don't down your self that harshly, every one has an inner, and outer beauty. Some people's might be different or look better to you, but always remember, your beauty full just the way you are! good luck!

  6. Just find friend those are just like you

  7. Make friends with one girl and then make friends with HER friends, too. But don't go behind her back or talk about her, or word will get back to her and you will have no friends.

    Be nice, and a good friend, and you will be OK.

    You could be friendly towards girls who are new, like you, or who seem a bit lonely or isolated.

    Cheers :-)

  8. try to find someone that seems VERY friendly, and just maybe ask them for "help" on something. im sure eventually youll make some friends!! just dont be pushy and stuff.........GOOD LUCK!! ♥    

  9. don't worry. just be good and you'll be fine

  10. just be nice to them.

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