
How can I stop other people using my broadband ( I can't figure out how to turn of internet sharing)?

by  |  earlier

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I am on windows Vista and I have BT broadband!

I am being charged for exceeding download limit, and I have not downloaded any music/vids etc, for over 4 months, plus my broadband is running really slow.

I would like first and foremost to actually stop people using it, and if there is anyway, I can find out if anyone has been using it.

I have asked this quesion in another forum and I got replies about WEP or WPA or something? I dont know anything about that.

Can some one tell me in simple step by step terms, how I can ensure that no one else can use my broadband





  1. you need to lock your broadband

    ask your provider to give you a KEY as they call it

    and only your PC will have the code

    therefore only your PC will work with that particular network

    no one else witout a key can use it

    good luck

  2. Log into the router's setup page( type or something similar depending on your router into the address bar of your browser), and disable or turn off the wireless Access Point,( ie so you no longer have a wireless router).

    Now buy an ethernet cable and connect your router to your computer via the cable and presto ! no more people leaching off your valuable wireless internet, No WEP , WPA or any other stuff to worry about and the ethernet cable connection to your computer is actually faster than most wireless connections.

  3. Do you have a wireless router?  This is how most ppl steal your connection.

    There should be some kinda address to let you into the settings of the router to put a password on it.

    GET A FIREWALL and it will alert you when someone tries to connect, do not allow them to.


    ★Good Luck!  

    If you need any help, feel free to email me via my profile page - Eric

               E * D I * T

    Well, I find it strange that a ISP charges for escessive downloads.. but yea it probably is her but you should def set a password up for the router.  This will make anyone who tries to connect to enter the password or access will be denied.  USUALLY the address is something like try that or google it.  

    The pre insalled firewall still might not be enough.  You should still consider another one.  The free firewalls are just as good as the paid ones and like I said, zone alarm is free.

  4. Ok, adding to the information

    Do you know the name of the router?

    Then we can give you a guide on how to setup security on it, to prevent anyone outside from accessing your internet

    The other thing is to prevent anyone at home from using the broadband

    Simply pull the cable that connects the computer to the router and this will ensure no one can use it. i know its harsh, but if the download limit is exceeded and you have to pay the extra

    then i dont see why not

    Hope that helps a bit!

    (ill update my answer when you update yours here)



    is the router a Homehub, a speedtouch, a netgear? if you tell use we can help you set it all up. without that info we wont know the way to configure it or set any passwords apart from wild guessing


    Ok so The Bt home hub is accessed by typing in your browser

    you will need your BT user and password to make changes.

    >Click on advance in the menu

    >now go to home network and click WLan

    >it should show a list of wireless computers connected

    >click configure and set a WEP or WPa key there if there isnt one.

    >write it down and use that to connect wireless to the router again

    it should now be secure from outside intruders

    As for people at home the only thing is to remove the cable. however if your sister uses her Netgear on the line she can still use the internet

    Hope that helps! Take it up with her!

    She needs to setup security on hers too if its wireless (access it by typing


    This is a very good information page about the homehub, telling you how to set up wireless security and stuff


  5. Need more information. Are you running a wireless router or directly plugged into the cable modem?

  6. Change your password to something obscure!

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