
How can I stop overthinking about moving out?

by Guest66882  |  earlier

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Im 13 and i have a huge problem overthinking things. The main thing i worry about is moving out. When i move out my parents might become lonely and i have a younger brother that is a year younger than me...and when he moves parents will have no kids. I just feel so bad. And right now i just finished crying about it. I just feel..when all their kids are gone..they have no enternainment around. How do I no think it anymore..and i know that everything is going to be okay? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!




  1. You are only 13 why are you thinking about moving out already. You

    haven't even finish school. By  the time you go off to college and your

    brother goes to high school your parents will be glad to have their

    "empty nest."

    Your parents look forward to the rest from raising you and your brother. They have to rest up because grandkids are right around the corner.

    Oops Don't even think about that yet.  Enjoy your life!!

  2. Calm down man don't worry one of the things parents look forward to is their kids move out because they pay less on all of their bills and they finally get alone time with each other  

  3. well you shouldn't even be worrying about this you're only 13, and besides your parents will be glad to see you off on your own going to college and starting a career and family of your own. and don't you think your parents will be glad that they will get there hose to themselves so it can be just the two of them. hey just think about it.  

  4. by the time you graduate from high school you parents will be on their knees pleeing that you leave their house!

    my parents were so happy to be alone when we all left for college, but they are happy to still be a part of our lives, and see us on our vacations.

    dont worry about it, its not your problem its thiers.  

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