
How can I stop post wisdom tooth removal pain?

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I had my wisdom tooth removed two days ago, and whilst the pain was tolerable on the day of removal, it is getting worse. It is throbbing and I cannot bear it any longer. I have been gargling with salt water and taking 400mg ibruprofen as directed by my dentist but it is still dreadfully painful. The stitches also tug when I show emotion or sneeze and this causes it to start bleeding again. Is there anything apart from copious amounts of painkillers which will help? It is making me irritable and driving me insane!!!




  1. try nurofen plus, its ibruprofen and codein...its seriously strong stuff, if the pain is still there, you can also take paracetamol on top.. but dont double dose with the same anelgesic and follow the instructions on the pack.

  2. well, i know when i play the game horsez, it takes all the pain away.

  3. dang! and i thought that i got jipped when i only got 20tabs of percocet.......they really should have given you some stronger painkillers, thats your best bet........use ice packs too! call your docs office

  4. Go to a dentist or to maxilofacial surgeon

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