
How can I stop "random" eating/snacking?

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I am around the house a bit seeing as its summer and such, and I will randomly pick at food, and I really don't like doing that because I've gained a few pounds. Any tips on how to cut back on snacking?




  1. Just keep yourself busy. You're eating because you're bored. And as a rule, only eat at the table, while you're not distracted. I find I eat a lot more if I take food to my room or in front of the tv. Good luck.

  2. get a glass of cold water every time you feel the need to snack, you aren't hungry if you're snacking all the time, so distract yourself with drinking water instead.

  3. when you wake up

    you have to eat within an hour

    this will prevent you form snacking on stuff during the day

    eat only meals - 3 hours before you sleep

    if you eat right before you sleep,

    your body will store the fat

  4. What if, when you gotta eat something, then eat fruit or yogurt. But try to eat enough during dinner so you wont get hungry later.

  5. try keeping a bottle of water with you all day and when the urge comes, take a couple of gulps. it will take a lot of dicipline but you can do it!!

  6. That is actually the right way to eat, but you need to be selective on what you eat.  Grapes, olives, nuts, carrots, celery, cherry tomatos are just fine.  Lasagna, potato chips, cheetos, french fries, are not.  Grazing is a good way to eat, but you have to selective in what you eat.

  7. just think before you eat

  8. I had the same problem last summer. Like the other answers said, drink cold water when you're thristy. But you don't have to cut back on all snacks completely! Just don't eat ring dings or chips. I looooove roasted almonds. They're extremely good for you and can fill you up! Things like kashi cereal or granola are also very wise food choices. Now, you don't have to cut back entirely on everything. Just control your portions!  

  9. chew some gum or brush your teeth... sometimes that works

  10. Well that depends on what kinds of snacks. If you means chips, cookies, sugared snacks, no good. If you means fruits =D (which you probably don't) den your fine. Ether way my advice water. Water is the best thing a human can ever have =D.  

  11. Drink water, ice cold

    or fill up on green tea

    make yourself busy, do things... like even cleaning, dancing to your favorite music, reading, internet, watching tv, go for a walk.. anything to keep your mind off of food. only have healthy snacks around the house.. eat a nice breakfast, or fiber filled foods so you can stay fuller longer.  

  12. i chew gum, i find winterfresh works really well. also like everyone else said...drink a glass of water when you feel hungry. alot of the time people mistake hunger for thirst so always make sure you're well-hydrated. try to find something to keep yourself busy, too, that way your mind is focused on something other than food/eating

  13. frozen grapes everytime your hungary

  14. Drink water and eat healthy snacks such as fruits or vegetables instead.

  15. I drink water or keep myself distracted. I've had the same problem, too. Another helpful thing is to get rid of that stuff or minimize them in your home. It's hard but right before you go, stop yourself. Someone suggested to me to write things down of everything you eat. to keep track. Personally, that doesnt work for me because I forget all the time. Just have that click in your brain and stop yourself right before. Dont be afraid to put it back either!

  16. Eat six small meals a day instead of three large ones so you don't get so hungry. Keep a food diary to see what you are eating throughout the day. Keep healthy snacks in the house that will be less likely to pack on the pounds -- ricecakes are great, you can eat like 12 for 60 calories. Fruits and veggies are also good.

  17. do other things you like to do to keep your mind off of it.

  18. eat when you are hungry instead of when you desire too

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