
How can I stop some of the pain?

by Guest44717  |  earlier

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3-4 of my Wisdom teeth are starting to come in and i barely have enough room in my mouth for a few of them...which i know that means i will have to go have them removed very soon. we're heading on our vacation before school starts again and i was wondering if there were some things i could do to take a bit of the pain away. the one on my right side, bottom gum line has already broken through the skin, but now the bottom one on the left is trying to and last time it happened i ended up getting really bad headaches and stuff like that. is there any way at all to relieve some of the pain until i can see my dentist?




  1. IB Proufen and Anbesol. Maybe some ice to chew on.

  2. You can try Motrin and put Anbesol on it. But it's probably best to call and ask your dentist. Just tell him you can't come it before you leave.

    I hope you have a pain free trip!

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