
How can I stop stressing myself out??

by  |  earlier

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I stress over some of the silliest things, but they all pile up. How can I releave my stress and anxiety? What can I do to feel better?




  1. Ask yourself the question,  "How likely is this going to happen?"

    Think about the things that are stressing you out.  Come up with a solution ahead of time so if something does happen, you already have decided how you will manage the situation.  Good Luck.

  2. Work on changing your mental thinking. When you are in a situation and think negatively, try to change that though into something positive. Before you know it, you will be feeling much better. We make ourselves sick most of the time.

  3. ur hot

  4. The hardest thing for me was realizing I needed to relearn how to relax.  I started to take yoga and learned how to meditate.  Besides the exercise and mental relaxation, I learned I needed to sleep more regularly going to bed at the same time each night.  Getting the same 8 hours each night made me feel more rested.  If you need free meditation training see the links below.  If you are not near a gym, check out Fit TV on cable they have yoga classes.

  5. Hi,

    I know how you feel, I felt like that for a long time.  Please check this out.

    good luck

  6. talk to your doctor they may prescribe you an anti-depressant they do wonders to take the edge off and keep you from getting too stressed out. other than that if you feel stressed do something you like to do. if you're doing something you enjoy you are less likely to stress out as much.  

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