
How can I stop the council building on the fields near my house?

by  |  earlier

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They want to rip up a meadow with trees and birds to put car parking. I need help to give suggestions. what are the chances of stopping it?




  1. The chances are very slim.  If the government is involved, imminent domain is a very powerful adversary. Your best shot is getting an offical petition going.  If you get enough votes, you can introduce a vote in your city's next election.

  2. Unless you can find a threatened or endangered organism living there, you probably can't, unless you can convince the entire municipality that the change would be a bad one. Some groups raise enough money to hire a lawyer, who can demand an environmental impact study (at municpal expense) before the damage is done.

  3. The community needs to show up at council meetings and speak their say and ask for an opportunity to halt further development until a petition can be gathered and signed.  Good luck!  Our surrounding neighborhoods banded together and blocked the building of a baseball stadium in our backyards.

  4. I don't think there are great chances of stopping it, but you should definitely try. You should try to round up some other members of your community, show up to council meetings, sign petitions and maybe appeal to a group that takes interest in these sorts of issues. I suppose you can also stage a protest there too.

    I wish you luck- it really is a big shame when such beautiful outdoor places are ruined in the name of things such as parking lots.

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