
How can I stop the use of...?

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I've been doing ecstasy for about a month and I can't stop. I really want to quit. But my body just wants it more and more. The pill makes me the happiest i've ever felt. It's sad that I need something that powerful to make me feel amazing. I know i need help...but how do I start?




  1. You can stop by thinking of how it affects the people you know.

    Next, try to limit your intake by trying new things to make you feel happy and still be healthy to everyone especially to you...

  2. cut off all your connections first.  It's risky because you could get serotonin syndrome (its unlikely, though), but you could start taking an SSRI like prozac, because SSRIs stop ecstasy from working so well.

    But most importantly, always remember that you CAN stop. It may be hard, but it is 100% possible to stop at any moment. You just have to want to stop (seems like you do) and you can. You have power over the drug, it is NEVER the other way around.

  3. Ecstasy is a really serious drug. You could try consulting your GP or find a hot-line to help you quit. It only makes you happy because you feel so miserable afterwards. I really hope you can kick the stuff.Good luck

  4. Gotta understand if you take ecstasy the after effects would mean everything you do will be less interesting, and dull, life will be more miserable and the more you do it the more this is true and this isn't just temporary like estasy this is for years to come or maybe a lifetime, yes that is harsh but that is the consequences of ecstasy and other powerful drugs,  until you can find someway to purify your body. The toxins stored in your body and fat right now is making you more addicted to it... But because your asking this question your body is probably beginning to feel and overload of it and your better sense will tell you to stop, although it;ll probably take some time before you really quit.

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