
How can I stop this?

by Guest67104  |  earlier

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For the past few weeks, I was gettin' several prank calls at home. On my phone the callerID says Unknown Caller, I thought it could be a long distance call, but a couple of hours ago, I got the same call and when I answered I heard a little girly voice(probably a teenager) saying something in a different language, laughing and then hung up. That made me this it was a prank call. I can't find where its coming from and how to stop it. Does anybody know? It's gotten pretty annoying too.




  1. i understand ur problem i dont know how u can stop it but people do it by dial *67 , then ur number. so what u can do is not pick it up because  it could be a prank call . & i heard from a friend that some people do that to their home phones so no one can no their number & other privacy stuff ( its really werid & i dont know how to do it) but thats all i know about it soo i hope this helps u !!!

  2. well next time they call say youll call the police

    if they call baq again tell them gave you a  chance & then call the copsz & tell them

    well hope it stopsz & good luck ♥
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