
How can I stop this untrue name-calling?

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Last school year, people were always calling me nerd and geek and bof, just because I got good exam grades. i didnt even study that much! The trouble is, when I say that it sounds like I'm being really arrogant and making out i'm naturally really clever!

Over the summer, we've had a lot of depression in our family and I really want to get good grades to please them all, especially my elderly grandmother who is ill and dying. And so I now have a study timetable, nothing major, and I turn my phone off in this time. What if someone calls me? I know that the most popular girl in our year will be in my class next year, and if she knows what I've bin through, how hard Im working, and that Ive only seen any friends once this summer, the whole school will know and I dont want that to happen (obviously)! Im defo not unpopular but Im not in the "popular circle"!.

so, has anyone got any ideas on how to stop this name-calling etc? I cant tell a teacher b/c its not always regular and also if people know Ive told on them, because they think its no big deal it will get worse. While I could have handled more bullying and stuff last year, after the worst summer of my life I just couldnt cope. I cant tell my parents b/c they have enough to worry about.

Please help me!

T x*x




  1. People who name call are just ignorant and jealous, really.

    *I used to get called "skeletor"  by a lot of chubby girls.

    *people who weren't very bright would make fun of me for being intelligent.

    *girls who were out of shape would tease me for being athletic and call me a d**e.

    *girls who couldn't dance worth S**t would call my dancing "S****y".

    *girls who were only attractive with make up on would make fun of my looks.

    it all comes down to envy. you have to ignore those people (trust me, i KNOW it's hard) and do what you do best!

  2. Sadly, you cannot stop it.

    But you can treat it with the contempt it deserves.

    (But not the perpetrators, if you get me)

  3. I am sorry to hear about your family problems. Do not worry about the name calling, just keep going and study! It seems u r just like me being called bof, family probs, and not being in the popular circle. Just keep going! You Are Worth 10x Those Idiots I'm sure. Keep going sweetie and keep your family and your spirits up.x

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