
How can I stop unknown children and middle-aged women touching my baby or his toys?

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I have a problem with stranger's (in particular middle aged woman and unknown children) touching my baby or playing with his toys uninvited. I was raised to be polite and giving toward others - as a result, I now have an 'assertiveness' problem. I don't want other people touching my baby - I often say "He will cry if you touch him" but they do it anyway as if its a challenge. Nor do I want strange children to touch him or his toys - some kid put his head in the stroller which is covered and woke him today, his mother simply said "oh, sorry", I walked away from both of them as quickly as I could. I often wonder if my body language is somehow inviting every strange lout to touch him. What should I do? I feel that saying "Don't touch my baby" even before people actually do, is paranoid and rude. What to do?




  1. I think people are really nice - - When they look at my baby it means they are being polite and admire my baby.  I am usually pround of this situation.  and So what they touch his toys who cares just put them in your diaper bag and clean them when you go home if you must.

  2. I agree with you that it's absolutely rude!  A friend of mine has twins who were NICU premies and she had a little hanging toy on their carseat/stroller that read "kindly wash your hands before touching mine."  She said people were really nice about it and she never had problems with strangers touching her children.  You can make one yourself, or you can actually buy them online.  I've also seen onesies with the saying "Don't touch my hands, I like to put them in my mouth."

    Hope those suggestions help.  Good luck!

  3. Hi There   I was the same way I would let no-one that I didn't know touch my baby I mean come on you don't know where there hands have been even family member I would ask them to wash there hands before touching my daughter and there is nothing wrong with that.  Just tell them when you see them go near your baby's stroller 'Please don't touch my baby" .

    I see it all the time at shopping centers and stuff and it really drives me crazy, I mean next thing you know you will have complete strangers touching your stomach when you are pregnant.

    I totally agree with you I didn't let people touch my baby and I sure wouldn't touch someone elses baby unless i knew them.

  4. Just have a story prepared, you can say a few things like:

    You are on the way to the Dr cause he has been sick, (he doesn't stop throwing up, or has the runs).

    He is due for a nap and you don't want to disturb his sleeping pattern

    He has a dirty nappy

    etc etc

    As for children touching his toys, I think you could be assertive with this because they are children, you shouldn't have any problem telling the children that the toys are only for the baby.

  5. people are like that. i know it is frustrating. but im the same way, what do you say to not offend them? this is tough but wanted to let you know i feel the same way

  6. put a sign on your stroller.  you don't have to talk to them and they will avoid you.

  7. Ever heard the phrase Drama Queen ?

  8. Welcome to motherhood, I see it all the time. Rather annoying it would be. You could try listening to music, or fake it, just have headhpones in, and when they say something, walk passed like they don't exist.

  9. its great u have cute children u would be proud that every one love u r children

  10. I know what you mean, it annoyed the heck out of me with my 1st. Then when i had twins it was 10 times worse, for some reason when you have 2 everyone wants to stop you and chat and/or look at and touch them. I feel so sorry for the new Mums i see.... i actually avoid them if i can  

  11. Keep the cover up on the stroller, be interested in yourself and your baby so they can't approach you, avoid ALL eye contact.  I found this helped me when I had weirdos doing that to me.  As for the toys, if another child starts to play with them, take them away and say that your baby has a really bad cold.  Parents get freaked out and take their kids away.  I know it sounds funny, but it really does work.

  12. I totally agree with you... I cant stand ppl or kids toughing my daughter.... THEY HAVE NO RIGHT!!!!!  Just tell them to p**s off!!

  13. i have the same problem and i just grin and bear it!

    my son helps sometimes by yelling when strangers come near him,but i think they are all really harmless and just want to look at a cute kid.

  14. omg i hate this what gives a total stranger the right to touch your child without askin its just out right rude an no offense but you don't know where they have been an what germs there carrying. just say don't touch my baby an move bubs out the way. my sis in law was once walking with her 2 yr old an stopped to get something out the news agency sum old woman picked her up stuck her in her trolley and said ill watch her. my sis grabbed her and said no thanks. i mean what the?

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