
How can I strengthen the inside of my ankle? ?

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It's weird, but my ankle is strong on the outside (side facing out toward the side),not the inside. help! I'm having a hard time keeping my heel down on the right because of this. I have a habit of standing with my ankle rolled outward on my right and it's seriously affecting my ride and stability... I'm trying to quit that, but any suggestions on exercises to strengthen the inside? It's really painful!




  1. I would suggest going to the doctors and getting referred to a physiotherapist, they'll be able to recommend exercises for you to do to strengthen those muscles, or even identify any problems with that part of your ankle.

  2. When I was in college riding, I developed a weakness on the inside of my ankle. (Now I realize it was from being instructed to have my stirrups waaaaaay too short.) Two things I was told to do that did help me were:

    1) Whenever I was sitting down (like in class)/standing I became very mindful of what my ankles were doing. Often I'd let my foot roll to the outside so that when you looked at it, the outside ankle bone was nearly resting on the floor. My instructor told me that whenever I was stationary I not only needed to have my feet flat on the ground but to then roll all of my weight to the inside part of my foot and push against the ground so that I was actively stretching and engaging the inside ankle muscles instead of allowing them to collapse in the other direction. To start with try this a little duck footed and then roll your weight to the inside so that the outside edge of your sole comes up off the ground. That will give you a better idea of what it should feel like. Then you can adjust it so no one notices.

    2) Buy the stretchy rubber band work out straps or use a bungee type lead. Sit on the ground with your back against a couch or wall. Put your foot in the strap like you would a stirrup and lift your leg slightly off the floor. With your leg extended, flex your foot and roll the inside of your ankle down and out to work the inside muscles. Use the tension of the rubber bands. Do about 5 reps to start, rest 1 minute, 5 more, rest, 5 more and then switch ankles and repeat. Work up to as many as you can on each side. It's more important to be deliberate and controlled in each rep than it is to do it quickly or get a high number of reps.

    *You'll find that to engage the inside ankle muscles, you'll need to flex your foot and flex your toes upward to create enough tension. Next, roll the front of the foot out until you see the arch of your foot (ex. for right foot) creating a line going off to the right from your otherwise straight legs and calves.

    I hope this makes sense; it's difficult to explain and I don't have pictures. This worked wonders for me. I don't have problems with my ankles any more. It's not a quick fix though.

  3. I actually have the same problem... I have been trying to figure out a way to fix it also. Every time I ride (Usually when I'm posting) my feet get tilted and affects my position... I want to see if anyone has any helpful tips... I gave you a star! lol

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