
How can I structure the Italian future tense?

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I know there are more structured ways to do this, which I plan to learn eventually, but in the interim can I use the word 'andare' as a modal verb for the future tense, e.g. 'Vado stare facendo una torta oggi. = I am going to be making a cake today.' ?

Can this be used colloquially if at all? I know in French this is commonly used, but how 'bout Italian?




  1. No, they don't use it like that.

    If you want, you can simply use the present tense to talk about events in the near future.

    --Oggi faccio una torta.

    In fact, the future tense (futuro semplice) is used to discuss both near and far events in the future.  But for things that are happening soon, you can just use the present tense.

    Just in case, here's a page that will show you how to form the futuro semplice--it's not that hard:

    The sentence you wrote would look like this in the futuro semplice:

    --Oggi farò una torta.


    It is also worth mentioning that the continuous tenses (<stare + -ndo> form: sto facendo) are not used in Italian nearly as much as they are in English.

    For example, if I wanted to say "I'm studying Italian" in Italian, it would be better to say "Studio italiano" than "Sto studiando italiano."

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