
How can I study in Iran?

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Well, for a degree.. Do they have any loans or scholarships for outsiders or something like that??




  1. You should contact a University or Institution you are interested in Iran to see what they offer. Also in Malaysia, check out your local library and research this. Sorry, I'm not much help.

  2. u cant with all the noise and clattering

  3. you can get a degree from the Qom madrasa in iran about how to kill jews and christians

  4. Salam bro,

    I was planning to study in Iran too but my parents preferred that I go to an American University just for my future

    There are some good scholarships and other kinds of merit-based financial aid in Islamic universities all around Iran for foreign students....

    The system of education in Iran is the same as anywhere else, you have majors in universities and in all international Universities all studies are done in English/Arabic/Persian.

    I can recommend you the Azad University in Tehran, they take a lot of foreigners, and also the Shiraz University if you are studying Medicine. Thats where my dad studied (he is not Iranian but he was offered Iranian citizenship by the son in law of Ayatollah Khomeini because of his talents and my dad still refused)...

    Well as a foreign student I will advice you to study in Iran only if you are studying a science subject or if you are studying Islamic Fiqh (Both Sunnah and Shiah fiqh universities are in Iran)

    There are really great opportunities for study in Iran, I am willing to help you if you are interested. I will expand this answer if you wish so :D

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