
How can I study in singapore ?

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How can I study in singapore ?




  1. The government of Singapore has the most sophisticated e-government system and everything is on the net. Go look on the net (google "study in Singapore") , you will find all the information and if you contact anybody by e-mail or phone they will respond. They have the most efficient public service in the world.

  2. Come to singapore, find a place to sit, take a book and study.

  3. pay and pay n pay that will some how get you a school in singapore

  4. What country are you from?

    If you are from Singapore, then it is easy, just apply to a college.

    However if from another country, you need to get a passport and make every thing legal, then apply to college.

    BTW, don't bring any spray paint! You might get caned! LOL.

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