
How can I study "better" for the SAT?

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I took the SAT twice already. First time i received a 1340/2400 and the second time i received a 1350/2400. CR+MATH+WRITING ALL INCLUDED I GOT A 1350

I need help studying...I already took 2 classes and nothing has helped. I am a good student who wants to get into University of Maryland College Park, Penn State, Florida International. I want to major in International Business. I just need to get the SAT out of the way! Please share any study tips, helpful websites. ANYTHING. thanks in advance




  1. realx, seriously even if you fail a test it usually doesn't say anything about your intelligence.

  2. ummmm maybe you should sit down in a place that has no noise and studdy hard cuz i hade the same problem

  3. do everything everyone is telling you and take lots of gingko biloba!!

  4. This site can help you a lot with the reading/writing part: you need to make an account but it is a safe site with a ton of words that can help you (it helped me and I barely used it). Also, I suggest taking harder high school classes (if you are still in high school and think you can take harder classes) or try to get a tutor for geometry and/or algebra if you had trouble with the math section.

  5. Okay. For starter everyone who has answered this question thus far CLEARLY has NO IDEA what they are talking about.

      My advice to you is to study for the SAT using either Kaplan or Princeton Review books and taking a lot of practice tests. I took the PSAT this year and I was disappointed with my score of 1630, but just from that testing experience alone I was able to improve my score to an 1850 when I took it again in May. The best preparation you could possibly do is every Saturday to take a full practice SAT at 9am, in order to get used to taking the test at that time. After you take each practice exam, use the week to go through the test and review any questions you got wrong.

       The amount of time between now and October gives you ample amount of time to study and improve your score to the 1700+ range. Recently I scored as high as a 2310 on a practice SAT, and I hope to duplicate that on the October SAT. Trust me, put in the time and effort and by the time October rolls around you should have no problem improving an initial score of 1350 to your desired score.

  6. the best way to study for the sat is simply to take lots of practice tests. there are lots of them out there and here is the official collegeboard one:

    the other way to get your score up is by reading more. this really helps with your vocabulary and is a lot more enjoyable than trying to memorize words on flashcards. other less painful ways to increase your vocabulary are and finally, make sure you get some good sleep in before you take the test. hope these tips help you!

  7. take sat classes. or go to your local book store and buy a sat book. its called "official sat study guide" its blue. its very informative =]

  8. IF YOUR PARENTS AREN'T poor take the princeton warned that it costs 1,000 dollars but it is so worth it... no other prep class compares

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