
How can I successfully encourage a child to eat healthier foods?

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My 7 year old niece is absolutely set against eating anything that is a fruit or a vegetable. She used to LOVE fruit, and a lot of vegetables, but around the time she turned 4 or 5 she just decided that she didn't like them anymore.

During the summer I nanny her full-time, and I cannot bear another summer of her eating chicken tenders every day! I try to encourage her to eat fruits and vegetables, but she insists that she doesn't like them. Her family eats a lot of whole grains, lean meat, and low-fat dairy, so she gets all of that, but like I said: she will not touch a fruit or vegetable.

How in the world can I get her to eat healthier, and convince her that it is FUN (haha) to eat fruits and veggies?




  1. At sunday school, my husband introduced carrot & celery sticks with Ranch dressing.  He said, you have to have 4 of these, then you get the cookies.

    Soon they stopped caring about the cookies.  They loved dipping the veggies, and fussed when that wasn't on the snack menu.

    Likewise, there are cream cheese, caramel & chocolate dips for fruit, and apples & celery go really well with peanut butter.

    Have fun.  Be a good role model.  Let her watch you eat great food.

    TX Mom

  2. I alway tell my kids that they have to have a no thank you bite. Meaning that I serve them a tiny portion of whatever food they dont like and they have to have one bite before they can turn it away. What you can also do is hide the fruits and veggies. Make homemade tacos or a simple stir fry, but keep it simple. Kids eat things that are fun to look at too. Maybe smilly face pancakes or Micky Mouse sandwiches. Be creative!

  3. Dont let her know shes eating them. for example, blend them into a smoothie, or use dips Etc: chocolate fountain.

  4. this sound funny but i heard it works tell her if she doesnt eat them then her b***s wont grow

  5. Involve her in the food preparation.  Let her help you chop & cook.  Have her read the recipes to you.  Have her help you find recipes online.  Help her to make healthy surprises for her mother & father when they get home.  

    Even though she was hesitant to eat it at home, my daughter fell in love with oatmeal when they made it at preschool.  They told the kids to go home & show their parents that they knew how to do it, tell their parents how healthy and delicious it was.  Like they were teaching their parents something new.  She can't get enough of it, now.  

    Take her to the grocery store & find exotic & wonderful new things to try.  Make it an adventure.  Make her think that the food adventure is her idea.  Keep on reinforcing to her that she makes good healthy food choices - help her to believe it herself.

  6. She can't eat what isn't there...but if you aren't in charge of making that decision, all you can do is be a good role model for her.

  7. I took the same problem to my son's pediatrician for his check up. He just refuses to eat fruits and veggies and I am afraid he is not getting the proper nutrients. His Doc looked at him and said," It's like this...You need to eat fruits and vegetables to grow big and strong. Mom is not going to bug you about it but you have to do one thing. Every day you have to eat 1 no thank-you food a day. It may be a half teaspoon of peas. A green bean, or a piece of steak ( he also hates meat) and we'll see how you do.  Much to my amazement, by the end of the week he picked up a piece of shrimp and said "mom, I am going to try this!" He did and he liked it. This week the new favorite is coleslaw with all the cabbage and carrots as long as I don't go heavy with mayo or vinegar. We can't do a side salad yet but hey one small step at a time! :-)

    Good Luck and ask the parents what they do at home. Maybe you can all come up with something so it is consistent. That always helps.

  8. Will she drink fruit juice, or icce's? If so stop buying the juice in a box and start buying the fruit. Blend it together and make juice. She is getting her fruits, she just doesn't know it. Or try buying the V8 fruit drink. It's really good with a lot of vitamins, plus she starts to get the taste for fruit again, and maybe she'll eat a piece.

  9. don't give her a choice. only provide fruit and veggies for meals for awhile. she'll cry and whine but she'll get hungry eventually. make sure you talk about this with your sister(in law?)so that the little princess can't go home and tell on you. NEVER give kids a choice like that. in my house, you eat what i give you or you don't eat! remember, you are the adult.

  10. My son was the same way.  His Physician and I had a talk with him about what will happen if he does not get the right nutrition.  We told him if he chooses not to eat right he will have to take these vitamins (they taste bad).  He tried the vitamins, and then started eating a fruit and vegetable every day!

  11. Not your job, Jade.

    The parents have to stop buying "Chicken tenders."

  12. She doesn't like watermelon, strawberries or pears?

    Wow that is weird.

    I usually top vegetables with fat-free ranch and the kids i babysit for gobble them up.

    I use fat-free cool whip on fruit, if I must, but they usually eat them plain since they are so sweet.

  13. The best advise I can give you is that children learn by example. If she sees her family or care givers eating healthy she will; eventually. As long as you make and prepare foods that are healthy you can rest easier that she is receiving a good source of nutrients. Thank you for being so concerned about your niece. You will make a wonderful mother some day.(I apologize if you are already a mom. I am assuming you are not.)lol. So many parents unfortunately let their children "tell" them what they are going to do. It is upsetting when I am told "She just won't do...for me", "I ask her to do something and she tells me no!"...I mean who is the parent? My youngest daughter is seven she tells me "I really don't like broccoli". I tell her "It might not be your favorite but you need to eat what is on your plate. " That's when I get "Oh I know mom."

    It is really nice to see your genuine concern for your niece, that is terrific! Please keep up the good work!

    God Bless you and your family!

    YOU ARE an inspiration.

  14. tell her that there is no choice. Take her shopping and get her to help pick out things. Explain why we need fruit and veggies. (fibre, vitamins,etc) and just don't buy the things you do not want her having

  15. Kids love veggies with ranch. try apple slices with carmel dip too. Or strawberries dipped in chocolate.

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