
How can I swim 500 yards without getting exhausted in the middle of swimming?

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Tomorrow I have to swim 500 yards in under 10 minutes for PE. I'm not a super slow swimmer, it's just that I get VERY tired the first few laps and I slow down (a lot) . What can I do to have lots of energy during the entire swim? Also, what are some tips for swimming faster (freestyle)?

Oh yeah, I'm not overweight, so that can't be the reason for my low energy level. I'm a very good runner and my legs are pretty strong, so having weak legs isn't the problem either...

Thank You!




  1. I'm pretty sure its only 200 yards for the distance. You can eat a good meal before your swim set. Most people pass the test. If they are testing everyone, trust me, there WILL be people worse off than you (you are a runner some people dont even do sports) so I think you will be fine. Get a good night's rest. Goodluck, you can do it!

  2. i would suggest swimming different styles when u get tired unless the teacher is making you do one the whole way. copy michael phelps:)

  3. wear fins

  4. Breathing and head position!!  Exhale before you take a SIDE BREATH. Take A side breath every 3 to 4 strokes, Pace yourself.

    Endurance is only gained over time and practice, meaning you swim 3 to 5 times a week for a while and you will be there in no time??

  5. well i swim year round, and i can do it in 5 min, but just take it slow and easy make sure you breath often, and kick but not to hard so it tires you out and make sure you pull deep into the water, and you should flip turn if you know how. good luck!

  6. Try to go at a nice slow and steady pace, Don't try to rush yourself, 10 minutes is plenty of time. Remember to keep a steady breathing rate, and try to keep it up with your kick. To go faster in general try to speed up your kick and keep your arms moving at a quick consistent rate. Good luck!!

  7. practice every day and eat lots of protein and milk and carbs to give you lots of energy

    answer mine?;...

  8. Try to tread water. Learn to float really good and be able to tread for at least 30 minutes. Keep on doing it for a little longer each time. If you can tread for a long time, you'll get way stronger and way more agile. Hope this is helpful.

  9. If it's tomorrow, all you can do is get a lot of sleep and eat right (many carbs, a tiny bit of sugar is OK, but very low fat).

    Long term, the best thing for endurance is making yourself endure.   You say you run - then start running longer distances.   If you do two miles now, move up to a 5k or 4 mile run.    If you are swimming 250m every day now, then do an extra 50m every week for a month.

    Incrementally increase....meaning slowly add distance over time.

    The body is amazing cause it can adapt to virtually anything you want it to do, you just have to train it.

  10. get in shape. please answer my question.;...

  11. You can l**k the used Speedo of Michel Phelps and his blessing will be upon you.

  12. EAT HEALTHY AND DRINK A LOT OF WATER!! (and exercise) For the first half just pace yourself. remember to kick and tell yourself you can do it. (thats what i do) the second half go a little bit faster but not full speed. the last couple laps kick kick kick! just know you'll be done with it.

  13. first of all u want to pace urself so don't swim the first lap as fast as a fat kid that is running after a corn dog would be going ... also kick a lot shouldn't be a problem since u say u have good legs ... maybe even glide but kick while gliding so u dont get tired moving ur arms ... 10 min is a lot more time than u think also try not to breath ever stroke u take

  14. Sounds like you're not pacing yourself.  You need to find a medium speed and just stick with it.  Don't wear yourself out swimming so hard the first 250 yards.


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