
How can I swim without a...(Ladies please)?

by Guest62659  |  earlier

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how can i swim without a tampon on during my period?




  1. You can't. You either have to wear a tampon or not get in the water. Unless you want everyone to know that you're having your period. Good Luck!

  2. OK ... I'm male ... But, the females I've coached over the past 30 years have always been up front with me as menstruation is normal, you need not feel embarrassment about it.

    The reality of the situation of not using a tampon is this ... The pressure of the water is greater than the pressure of the menstrual flow.  That means that, as long as you're in the water, no blood can come out.  AND as long as after you get out of the water you get to the changing room quickly, there is not enough time for the menstrual blood to come out ... QUICKLY is the operative term.  You need not run, but you can't waste time, either.  

    All that stuff that the lifeguard posted is pure 'hooey' and has no basis in reality.  In reality, MENSTRUAL CRAMPS ARE RELIEVED BY EXERCISE.  It is RECOMMENDED that you exercise while in your period.

    Regardless, I talk with the girls on my team and recommend they talk with their mother or a doctor about using a tampon as it just makes life easier.

    Good luck.

  3. eh... i don't really think theres any way...

    except once my friend swam with a pad and underwear under her bathing suit... but i think that would feel really weird

    good luck?

  4. Once my friend used one of those ultra thin pads but she had a cute little swim skirt on too. Just in case the pad got really swollen from the water, no one would be able to tell.

  5. okay.

    yes. cause your period does not come out in the water.

    but if you have a heavy period i would say put one in.

    and if you do put one  in use tampax pearl light cause it is easiest for the first time.

    and yes you can swim with out a tampon.

    however it mayy leak into your bathing suit a little but its okay you cant see it in the water.

  6. ahh sorry I know the question said ladies only but as a lifeguard and a swimmer for 15 years I think I know about this more than you think. well for starters if you've got your period it's best to stay out of the water as you can catch a cramp easier and also something I once read about the inbalance of water in the body, I dont remember to well. but if you must get in the water it IS best to wear a tampon because the pad might dissolve in the water if you aren't comfortable wearing the tampon they do sell things that many female swimmers wear they are a cup type of thing, I'll send you the link later for it if you'd like, so my option would be to go for the tampon. I hope I helped.

  7. If you swim without a tampon, you will leak into the water. If your flow is light, it will be so slight you will not notice it. If your flow is heavy, the leakage may be noticeable.

    It makes me crazy when people write that you will not bleed while in the water. I will never forget one swim practice when I looked down after coughing to see a cloud of red! I was mortified.

    There are menstrual cups (both reuseable and disposable) you can use in place of tampons, but I find them more, invasive. Pads are not really a workable option. The pad will saturate with water before it absorbs anything else.

  8. Maybe do it on the first and last days when "flow" is lighter.  If it's right in the middle of your cycle, you might find some leakage...

    Are you on vacation, and you got your period on the first day?

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