
How can I talk my mom into letting me get a horse?

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I really want to lease this horse but my mom says no u have to get everything for it when i asked the person who is leasing it if i can use the saddle and tack and she said yes but my parents say no!




  1. unless your parents are fairly well off a horse is not going to be affordable. And as for the person at the stable saying you can borrow the tack sounds like they are trying to get you signed up and add more costs on later. Not saying it wont happen just don't get your hopes up. Maybe if your parents can't afford to lease or board a horse you could get evolved with a program like 4-H.

  2. you probaly cant convince them. horses are expensieva and if you cant afford it then you cant afford it

  3. it depends on what type of lease it is. If you're parents won't believe you about the owner saying you can use their tack, or if you're parents don't think it's morally right, then plan a time to sit down at the barn and talk face to face with the owner. usually parents won't trust the words from their children (i know mine don't) so the best way is to have your parents talk to the owner. if your parents can afford the lease fee but then can't afford the tack, you'll have to fund yourself and somehow get it. the cheapest way to get tack is EBAY. my personal favorite place to buy tack, but beware most of the stuff of ebay is rather crummy. i bought a saddle a couple years ago, and it was brand new (according to them) but yet on the inside flap the leather had already rotted. usually people will sell the saddle, saddle pad, and a cotton girth all in one for a fairly low price. and as for the bridle, if the owner says it's okay then i'd just go ahead and use hers.

    however if it's a matter of your parents completely blowing you off because they don't want to pay for it then i'm sorry but there's not really a chance for you to lease the horse.  again, talk to the owner and see if you can work it out.

    hope you get your horse =D

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