
How can I talk to my mom about my brother?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14, with 2 older brothers, 29 and 32. They have a different father than I do and I've never met theirs. The older one is constantly going in and out of prison. When I was 10, I remember he was sentenced to 10 years of prison. 2 years later he got out. I know he has done a lot of things to get in prison including robbing a bank, drugs, and drinking.

How can I talk to my mom about what happened to him? I know he really messed up with bad friends and drugs in 7th and 8th grade...but nothing more.





  1. This can be very scary at a young age. Tell your mom that you are scared and worried. Tell her that you know its a difficult subject but you want to talk. If she says no, ask her if you could talk about it some other time. Good Luck!! ^_^

  2. write her a letter and leave it under her door.

  3. Think about what you're going to say BEFORE you have this conversation with your mom. You say this is a touchy subject. It may be something she feels you won't be able to understand. It may be that she's not ready to share all the details. And believe me, they probably aren't pretty.

    You sound like an intelligent person but if your mom isn't ready to have this conversation...don't push it! Ask her when she's ready if she'd come to you. That way it doesn't sound like you're just being nosy.

  4. Anna, you are certainly old enough to ask some questions which are related to your family.  First, perhaps prepare your Mom that you would like to talk to her about something in private; then ask her when a good time would be.  You are not responsible, nor is it your fault if she is not comfortable talking about it.  This sounds like information which you are

    entitled to know; your Mom may have personal sadness and guilt over circumstances, so perhaps you can mention what a good Mom she has been to you.

    You sound like a very sensitive girl and with the drug culture being what it is today, it would actually be a good thing for you to know the 'facts' of your family situation so that you'll be double cautious in picking your friends and avoiding situations which may be dangerous or tempting, (if you know what I mean.)

    I believe your Mom can handle this.  Just ask.  Good luck!!

  5. Just let your mom know how you feel.

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