
How can I tame my 2 rabbits?

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My rabbits are 4-5 months old and they used to be soooooo friendly, but now every time I try to hold them they scratch me and run away. One of them is a Californian White, and the other one is a New Zealand White. Help Please!!!!!




  1. get them sprayed..

    that will calm them down

    Rabbits are not usually the cuddly cute type of animals, they perfer being on the ground. Unless your bothering them/ being annoying, they will start hatig you

    You and your bunny,

    In a small room/where they can't escape, lie down on the ground. Your little friend will be curious and climb over you. Start, getting confortable, and petting her.

    I hope your relationship stays STRONG

  2. The more an animal is held, the more tame it becomes. You will get the best results by holding the animals and socializing them for long periods of time. They have to understand and believe that you are there to take care of them and not to hurt them. At this point they are frightened probably because they may not be getting as much attention as they need.

  3. I used to have a rabbit,  he loved to be petted, we took a pillow case and cut it in half and sewed the open side up.  we used to slip him inside back end first, and he would sit on our laps while be watch TV,  he could not get us with the back claws,  and just scratching him on the head relaxed him.  and at the end of the evening he would go back in the pen.  then just turn the case inside out and let all the bunny treats go in the trash.....

  4. rabbits reach puberty between 4 and 7 months.  if they are not spayed/neutered at this time, they will beome aggressive, territorial, and messy.  also, they can start fighting with each other and they'll have to be separated permanently.  boys can be neutered at 3-4 months, girls can be spayed at 5-7 months.  this behavior will not solve itself.  holding them has nothing to do with it, it's the hormones which you (and they) have no control over.

  5. Get them spayed when they are old enough but for now take them out keep them on the ground and lay on your stomach (they like you more when you are their size)

  6. mabie when they are a bit onler you should get them

    spayed/nuterd to calm down there tempurmnts you should look up bonding with your rabbit on the internet it does help.x

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