
How can I tan when i cant tan at all i mean i only burn please help me?

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How can I tan when i cant tan at all i mean i only burn please help me?




  1. Going to a salon for a spray on tan would be your best bet.    Some people just are so fair that they just burn.  The spray on tans are pretty inexpensive, too.

  2. Tans are not good

    You know what you should do, go buy those rub on "fake" tans

    They are better, as the "real" tans, whether from the sun or solariums can cause skin cancer - melanoma

    Just thought you'd like to know =)

  3. Suck it up man.  Your a ginger.  Don't go out in the day time.  LIve in the night.  Deal with it.

  4. Okay. Im going to tell you everything you COULD do, and the ups and downs of it, because i know my tanning info.

    Tanning bed(works best for me)

    NOW im very light skinned. and i was just like you! Burning burning burning. But then i decided, to try a different salon with more educated people, on tanning. I was told the salon was going at it all wrong!  (im irish so to acheive a tan is hard for me, and im almost there, havent burned lately)

    SO HERES what i did in a tanning bed

    Day one: 4 mins, ( no burn)

    Day two: 6 mins (burn.)

    two days to heal lots of aloe

    Day three: 6 mins (burn)

    one day with aloe

    Day four: 6 mins (no burn)

    Day five: 7 mins (burn)

    not even a whole day to heal

    Day six: 7 mins  no burn

    Day seven 10 mins, got out at 8 1/2, no burn.

    Day 8, 12 mins no burn, and tanning.

    SO. try this!  ive been to about 9 sessions, i might have forgot a few.  NOTE: i tried tanning before this and burned all 6 times bc i went in too long, you cant tan for long periods, until your skin has been worked up to it!


    Spray on tan, which costs pretty= to a tanning pass.

    Its fast, and you dont burn at all, but it only lasts 2-3 weeks, if even. And it streaks sometimes, which is BAD!

    SO YOU DECIDE.  which is better for you, if you got time, go for the tanning bed.

    (  tanning in the sun is different then tanning beds because you burn faster in the sun )

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