I am a certified special ed teacher and am well trained with working with children with ASD. However, I am soon to be tutoring a 4th grade boy w/ PDD-NOS on reading, spelling and comprehension. His mom said that he has no memory for words in that you can teach him cat during a session, and the next day he'll have no idea what it means. Additionally, he cannot spell even one word - not even his own name. Any attempts to teach him a system of learning has failed thus far. His mother does not want any reward system in place, so I must be compliant with this. Also, he is home schooled but was in public school and could not "get it" there either due to his teachers trying to teach him phonics by using nonsense words and blends that weren't part of actual words. Any tips? I would love to see this young man learn to read, spell and apply those skills successfully. Thanks!