
How can I teach my chi puppy to eat slower?

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My 9wk old chi girl is eating so fast and is constantly hungry. When she smells food, she goes nuts, when she finishes her food, she wants more. I tried hand feeding, but she just jumps on me all excited about the food. I tried tenis balls in the bowl to make her eat slower, but that doesn't work either. I'd say she even eat quicker that way.

I really don't know what to do anymore. She threw up few times after inhaling her food.

Anyone has any idea??

Oh and she has hookworms.. I found out couple of days ago and had been given a pill to give her and come back next week. Could that be the reason for the hunger? I though that worms mean no appetite?




  1. I've heard that worms will actually make them hungrier, because they aren't getting the nutrition they need because the worms are taking it.  You can get her to eat slower by only giving her a few kibbles at a time; that way she has no choice but to slow down.  They also have dog bowls designed to help or you can put tennis balls in her food so she'll have to maneuver them around to get to the food.

  2. Just give her small amounts, 4 times per day at her age.

    I doubt that the worms have anything to do with it..but I have no experience with hookworms, as we don't have them here.

    I put a teaspoon of yogurt on my Chihuahua's food until he was 6 months. That would give her extra calcium and aid in quicker complete digestion.

    If she is still doing this when she is 4 months, or well after she is potty trained, you might switch to an automatic feeder, that only releases the amount you set it for. Or the one that she must paw the lever for each two kibbles.

  3. i do believe they will cause it to be hungry (or "Feel" hungry) hookworms cause an iron/calcium deficiency.  

  4. even though her jumping all over you for food may be annoying, i think hand feeding her a little bit at a time is probably your best bet.  just have to stick with it for a while.

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