
How can I teach my duck to fly?

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I have a duck, quackers. we cant tell if its a boy or a girl yet. my cousin found quackers eating poisen but luckily found him/her in time. so my cousin gave the duck to me. now its 1 year old and it doesnt know how to fly! we cant let it go because last time when we tried to do that quackers found its way back home. we cant buy another duck to teach it how to fly because quackers hates other ducks(i dont know why). but i want quackers to learn how to fly but i dont know how. HELP




  1. Ducks don't fly.

    Silly Goose.

    But you could push it out a window!


  2. There are many breeds of ducks that are too heavy to fly.  I had a pekin and a cayuga and neither of them could fly.  If the duck doesn't have a mother to teach it, it will eventually learn on it's own.  Even though my ducks were too heavy to get off the ground it didn't stop them from trying.  You most likely have a breed of duck that doesn't fly.

  3. In the wild, most birds (not sure about ducks) that live in trees, the mother would leave the nest and she would fly to another tree not far away when her babies were hungry and they would call for her but she wouldn't come to them. (As you probaly know, baby birds rely on their mother's left-over food to live.) The mother would then fly quickly back to her babies and then back to the other tree. If the babies wanted food, they would have to learn to fly after her, as they had watched her do.

    You could probaly replicate this by putting your pet duck somewhere high up, ironicly if you have a pet cat with a scratching post or something put him on top. Then, when he's determined enough, he'll maybe realize the only way to get down is to fly. Perhaps instinct, perhaps even a little bit of encouragment from you or somewhere showing him a flying bird outside? He might catch on. If not, you don't want to keep him up there forever so take him down for maybe after an hour of trying. I've never tried this, so I'm sure it'll work. Just a suggestion.

  4. well, number one thing is rub coco butter all over him. I know this sounds crazy but it works.Second, you need to boost his/her confidence, say something encouraging. Try using works Quackers can understand. Reward him/her for their hard work.And THIRD:cut off his feet so that he has no choice but to every time

  5. Ducks don't need to be taught how to fly, especially by someone who can't do it herself. Many domestic breeds are too heavy to fly anyway- they're raised for meat.

  6. push him off the roof

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