
How can I teach my kids about leadership?

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How can I teach my kids about leadership?




  1. At a younger age, the best way to learn about leadership is through sports programs. Everyone gets the chance to develop leadership at this level, by simply making suggestions on how to score, or setting the example in practice by pushing yourself the hardest. If eventually your child becomes a captain, then the leadership skills will surely be developed and tested.

  2. 1. Giving them responsibilities they can handle.

    2. Get them to read books specially about leaders. The newspaper is also a good source of knowledge for them to be up-to-date about current affairs.

    3. Motivate them.

    4.Congratulate them for a job well done.

    5. Assist them if they need help.

    6. Treat them with respect.

  3. By analysing your question, i can draw the following conlusions..

    1. You came to a website to ask this question thereby meaning, you yourself do not possess leadership qualities

    2. This means, that any advice that will be handed over to you, will be passed on to them but as there is no leading by example here, they are

       a) either going to listen to you until they reach teenage years and rebel against you

       b) going to listen but will not be able to implement cause there is a big difference about knowing and implementing..

    The only advice that I can give to you is to you..

    1) Learn to be a better person, so you can set a good example

    2) Improve your communication to your kids, they will in turn communicate better to people outside,,

    3) be understanding towards them, and dont act condenscingly..

    In conclusion, there are some things that cannot be taught, leadership is one of them, sometimes it is a natural thing that kids learn through environment in addition to their inherent talent, what can be taught is to build up your strengths and improve your weaknesses, this in turn will improve the person's sense of judgement, sensibility and strength of character..

    I think you should are not very clear on the defintion of leadership, therefore, I suggest you to develop some character before you take on such the presently impossible task of teaching your kids about something you dont possess..

  4. you can go to but it may not work on your computer becasue its doesnt work on everybodys.

    but thats a challenge for them.

    or if there girls... put them in girl scouts or boy.... cub scouts ta=hat way they learn to get along with the other kids

  5. Get them in Scouting.

  6. Show them John Elway games, especially Super Bowl XXXII

  7. team building activities

  8. depends if you think that can be taught.

    what are the qualities of a good leader? then teach/develop those qualities.

    except by the time they grow up how do you know the qualities you have developed are the ones that work then?

    what will you do if they dont' want to be leaders?

    don't you think you should rather concentrate on helping them to discover how to be happy?

  9. Hi

    Blend But Don't Bend

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