
How can I teach my little brother kindergarten math,reading,etc?

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He's going to kindergarten and I would like to help him. How do I teach him how to spell..pronouce words things like that. Please help! websites are welcome too =]




  1. Sesame street is a big help so are Little Einsteins dvd sets:

    also just giving children posters with numbers, alphabets really help.  everyday practice handwriting and re-instill alphabet letters, the sounds they can make, and form words.  as you form words get the child to work on handwriting but also say the words outloud.  Make it a game like after learning how to spell so many words or at least read them they get a small gift.

    OR a clue to a bigger gift.  Blues Clues is another great children's television program aimed at young children to get their critical thinking skills going.

    as you practice numbers take out pieces of fruit and demonstrate 2+2=4.  once a child can count and knows their numbers they can start adding and subtracting and if you have real objects you add or take away from a pile it could really aide the child.

    Flashcards are great too.  Reading stories to or with children will really help.

  2. give him candy like m&m's or something... have him count them.. take 2 away and have him recount them.. get flashcards.. but first he needs to knwo his ABC's... then repeat the sounds of each letter then teach letter sounds together.

  3. There's books out there that can help.

  4. here are some really great ways to teach math,  pull out the matchbox cars,  place one car on the floor infront of him. ask him how many cars there are  he will answer  then add one more car  and ask now how many cars  let him answer then say one car plus one car makes two cars.   just keep doing that up to ten.  you can use any thing like cars,  buttons, peanuts what ever as long as he can see it.   Do the same thing with subtraction.  five cars take away one and so on.

    now as far as teaching him how to sound out words,  take a piece of construction paper,  put  comon letter sounds on the paper cut a slit infront of the two letter words.   on a strip of paper that is wide enough to fit easily into the slits you cut, place letters  then  work only with the first row

    example ( m  p s c h b)  mat, pat, sat, cat, hat, bat

    do the same thing with an on the next row and  man pan tan you get the idea.  

    and just keep going using different letter combinations.

    make sure he knows his shapes,  and can draw a circle and an x  these are used  the most  on ditto sheets you either circle something or put an x on it.

    He should be able to write and recognize his own name.

    know his colors,  and how to use scissors and glue.

    tie his shoes,  zip his own zippers and be able to button. and snap.  teachers don't usually help kids with these things.  some do most wont.

    It also helps if you teach him the sight words sight words are words that are commonly used in books such as it, the, when, where, if, has, he, she, him, her, at, this, of, then, after, one, by, you get the picture words that are used a lot.

    practice propper letter formation.

  5. just keep going over it with him.. like spelling. Just show him how to spell something.. say..

    Cat. say ok how do you spell cat? C-A-T and then have him repeat. then go to Dog or something. Only do like 3 words at a time though. then after you have done something like



    M-O-P   then ask him how to spell cat again, see if he remembers. Then just at random times in the day. ( lets say there is a cat on TV )  Say.. hey - insert name here - do you remember how to spell cat? then if he does.. awsome.. if not.. remind him.

  6. My son just finished kindergarten.  During the year, his teacher gave him "sight" words to learn such as and, the, were, etc.  As we read books, I would read most of the words and let him read the "sight" words that were on the page.  By the end of the year, he was reading most all of the words in books even though they have never been given to him as "sight" words.

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