
How can I teach my mini donkey to bow? Or any other cool tricks?

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I have a mini donkey named Cozy. I really want to teach her a cool trick, like how to bow. She is pretty smart.

Can anyone tell me how to do it? I think I have the basic idea, I would just like other peoples opinions.

Also, if you know any other cool tricks, that would be nice. She is not trained to ride or anything, so nothing like that.




  1. i love mini equines hummmm well bowing ca be hard to teach but start by taking a treat and showing it to cozy and making her put her head between her legs and only work with her for about 30 or 40 mins they have short attn spans soon when you have a treat and do that she will go all the way down

    if you or anybody has any problems or questions email me at i will answer any horsey questions

  2. I don't know any tricks you can teach her but it's cool that you have a mini donkey.i dont know any who does have a donkey.sorry i can't help

  3. Wow! This is a great project. Its always fun to say that you taught your horse or in this case "donkey" something!

    I am not positive on this answer and dont want to give you the wrong thing so to be safe I would go to google or yahoo and look it up!

    good luck!

    have fun!

  4. well this is how we got my pony and Friends donkey to bow.

    you can take a treat and hold it under her nose and tell her to bow when she reaches for it reword. then slowly over a week or more lower it tell she can reach her front legs. This is a lot of work for her back and neck so take it slow. when you are doing this make sure you are standing in the same spot and giving the voice command. Once she can reach her front legs and knows to look when you say bow you can take the treat between her front legs and get her to reach between her front legs. slowly over a couple of tries move the treat back so she has to pull her hunches back and Begin to stretch her front feet out and curls her neck in between her legs to reach the treat she is now starting to bow you can keep going tell you like it or she wont go any pony will gust about put his head on the ground. don't give her the treat if she steps back. She may wont to go down on one knee or bend a leg this is OK. hope this helps if you would like I can send pics. I also now a anuther way if you would like and other tricks.

  5. Start by teaching your mini donkey to pick up its feet (if she doesn't already know how to). Then take a treat and make her take it from between her front legs without stepping backwards.Do not give her the treat unless she does what you have asked of her. When she does this without any problems pick up one of her front feet and continue as before. Then slowly work at pulling her back while making sure the treat slowly gets harder and harder to reach. She should stretch back with her head between her front legs to get the treat and with you having one of her legs up continue until she leans back and down far enough that the knee of the leg you are holding is almost touching the ground and that is a bow. Praise her continuously when she does what you are asking. Repetition is key. Eventually you will not even have to hold her leg. She will pick it up on her own knowing that is what she has to do to get the treat. Sometimes I find if they forget the front leg a light tap on that leg as their starting to lean down will do the trick to get them to remember to pick it up.I do this with all my stallions and I find it works really well. Just have patience and I'm sure you'll get it!

  6. if you can teach a mini donkey anything on command, i will officially worship your equine skills......

    i used to work at a donkey rescue centre and we couldn't get our to load

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