It sounds horrible, but really. She's gross sometimes.
She wears (around the house) super short, really thin cloth shorts that show her underwear out the bottom. (My mom is about 100-120 lbs overweight, too). Also, when we're out in public, she's raised her arms before and shown her stomach, and I'll tell her, and she'll just say she doesn't care. She smacks when she eats, always has her elbows on the table, and doesn't take care of herself in the general manner (she bathes, but she hardly puts on any makeup and her hair is always a mess). She does NOT know how to close her legs. Her legs are ALWAYS spread wide open, and it's disgusting and trashy.
I love my mom, but she's really embarrassing to take out's not because of her personality or anything, she just isn't aware. But, even at our house, she grosses me out a lot. What can I do?? Any time I mention one of these things to her (nicely, of course) she either cries or gets pissed and yells at me!
I need to help her! Please give me advice!