
How can I teach myself to be a better basketball dribbler?

by  |  earlier

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Just a site where it teaches you how to dribble better, or how to be better in general..A video or something because I can only teach myself.




  1. Open your mouth wide and tilt your head.

  2. starts wit a p ends wit ractice

  3. Take 2 balls and dribble with them, AT THE SAME TIME. Then walk with the 2 balls once you get used to being stationary. Then start running while you dribble with 2 balls, then add these moves in order after you master one move to the other, crossover(cross both balls over from each hand to other) through legs(put both balls between legs), behind back, one high one low, one fast pace and one at slow pace. after you master all of these do these drills with one ball.

    Run dribbling and switching hands after every dribble. Then go between your legs, then behind back , through opponents legs. And one thing that held me back from dribbling good was not doing these moves in fun games, i wud be scared ppl wud laugh if i messed up, but then i didn't care and got better that way, and watch the and 1 t.v. show, the have awsome dribbleing moves. and remember the are quick explosive moves, if you not fast enough, you will get the ball stolen, good luck.

    p.s. don't buy into those phony movies that are like 40 dollars, buy the old pistol pete tapes on ebay for like 5 dollars, they teach u advanced and fundemental.


    great site

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