
How can I tell If my mom is bipolar?

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My mom is driving everyone in our house mad. Shes always bitter and accuses us of judging her and being inconsiderate of her feelings. She non stop complains we all try to do what she asks for but its just never enough she also obsess with how clean the house is. She is seldom happy and thinks that anything we do we do it to hurt her.




  1. Nope, she's just a woman...what's that saying....can't live with them, and can't shoot them...maybe get her a big d***o, preferably something that gets plugged into an electric outlet so the batteries won't die.

  2. That doesn't sound like bi-polar, that sounds like *gasp* menopause.  

  3. I wouldn't call this bipolar. It sounds like she has a phobia of something.  

  4. I had a bipolar stepmother that died last year she was exactly the same at times it was very annoying

    Does she have mood swings (like happy one minute angry the next for no explainable reason)? depression and mania?

  5. well bi polar is a disorder where the person has EXTREME ups and downs.  one day everything is Wonderful and the next everything is absoulutely HORRIBLE. maybe you should look into other personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder or maybe she's having hormonal problems. from what you described i doubt she has bi polar.

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