
How can I tell a atheist that I love them without them thinking I'm being smart?

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How can I tell a atheist that I love them without them thinking I'm being smart?




  1. Atheists don't believe in god, but it don't mean that they don't believe in love.  Love is completely different. ok an example. you may not like smores but you may like the chocolate or maybe you may like the marshmallows. Its the same with being atheist, they dont believe in god which has a lot to do with love but they still love bc its a part of human life just like god is to you,  so go tell that atheist that you love'm and share happy moments together.  Good luck!!!!

  2. Unless you consider loving an atheist a smart thing, I can't see how they would make the connection.

  3. Fireball, i don't want you to love me i just want you to stop telling me to get out of the section.

  4. In a g*y way?

  5. No touching. I'll knock you out. Seriously.

    <edit> lol! Not YOU, Pangloss. I'll just tickle right back. I've got feathers, too. I'll definitely win a tickle war ;)


  6. You may want to stick with people that you know personally. God will place people in your life to care for; rejoice with, cry with. You will become more aware of your personal motives regarding people when you allow them directly into your life.

  7. It will all depend on your sincerity.  If you say I love you, but........

    You blew it.

  8. Do you know this person, or are you just trying to be condescending with religious belief?

    For example, I would suggest that Fireball is just being condescending.  I don't believe her when she says she "loves" anyone on this board because of all the other hateful and ridiculous things she says otherwise...

    No offense... just my opinion.

  9. dude I'm atheist just tell them how you feel. my boyfriend is Cristian and as long as you can prevent causing a fight over religion then you're good to go.

  10. don't worry, mate, we know we're lovable.

  11. Well, aren't you being smart.?

  12. If you are being sincere, then they will most likely see that. If you immediately follow it up with "that's why I'm trying to save you" then they will see your true motives as well.

    *Reaches up and tickles (((Raptor)))*

  13. "I love you."

    "Wtf?...Are you trying to be smart?!"

    NOT gonna happen dude.

  14. Don't you find strangers who tell you they love you creepy?

  15. you just did right....some do the end of the day on this board

    I love you all....have a good night

  16. don't worry about the "them thinking I'm being smart" part..

  17. Just tell God... that is what matters anyway... God sees your heart where they can't nor can they understand the things of God... so, just pray for them to be able to see your love...that God would reveal it to them along with the truth you speak.

  18. I don't need your love. Thanks!


  19. It's very smart to love an atheist.

    We have fewer hang-ups and inhibitions.

  20. I love all atheists.

    I hate the sin.

    God love you!

  21. Offer them money.  That always works for me.

  22. HAHAHA!!! DUDE. atheists are people... if you love someone just TELL them! they wont think any the worse of you...

  23. what the heck atheists dont think love doesnt exist they think god doesnt...i feel bad for the atheist you are talking about because obviously you dont understand them

  24. Be sincere.

    Unless you are just saying it on general principle.  

  25. This makes so sense to me. Whats smart about telling someone you love them? it's just a feeling. Unless you mean like, "I love you like a christian brother and now i'm going into my lecture..." I which case you still wouldnt sound particularly smart, just condescending.

    AND Unless you are jesus. Then no atheist wants to hear about your love.  

  26. Just tell us you are superstitious .

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