
How can I tell him I'm so in love with him and he doesn't even see me?

by Guest64427  |  earlier

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I can't be friends with him, yet I can't let him go. I've known him many years and I'm soooo confused. He's telling me I'm making it hard to be friends with me because I keep pushing him away. What am i suppose to do? I'm thinking is it best to just cut him off or what? It's wrecking my head, and Im constantly upset over it. My heart can't take it no more. But the though of not having him around, I don't even want to think about it. Someone, anyone I'm open to all thoughts and opinions.




  1. i think it would be best if you tell him it's better if you take some time apart as friends of course still interact but not so close. what you need to so is find your Independence again and stand out on your own and then you'll clearly see whether you romantically love him or it mainly comes from him just being a great friend and always there for you. it will be hard and a different change to stand completely on your own but i think the best thing would be to just take the plunge stop thinking and clear away all the worries and anxieties you have you never know being on your own may give you a new perspective and reline some things in life.

    if you need any other help just ask it's up to you if you take my advice but the main thing is just to decide and follow the consequences through.

  2. write a letter about how you feel about him even if you dont give him it it might put things into perspective for you therefore figuring out what you should do

  3. Tell him! I have been in the same situation, and for YEARS I regretted not telling him how I felt - partly because he felt the same!

    "Hearts are often broken by words left unspoken"

    You never know, he may have feelings towards you too.

    I suggest you finally open up and tell him that the reason you have been acting as you have is because you have really really strong feelings for him. Explain to him how you feel.

    Don't let him go as a friend. I don't speak to the lad I never told, I still think about him and miss him as a friend - nothing more, I have moved on and am now in a happy relationship.

    Good Luck, it will all be fine. Im sure he would rather know than think he has done something to upset you. :) x

  4. Were you and this guy romantically involved at some point and now you're trying to be friends?  I'm at little confused at the status of the relationship.  

    If what you want is different from what he wants, you are going to push him away.  You're appearing needy, clingy and desperate--not very attractive qualities in a friend or a girlfriend.  It sounds like you're smothering him.  You are convincing him that any little compliment or kindness that he may want to show you as a friend will be misinterpreted.  As a result, he doesn't feel that he can relax and be himself around you.

    If you truly love him with an unselfish kind of love, you'll want him to be happy and do what's best for him.  You will put your own needs secondary to his.  If you cannot do that, what you're feeling for him isn't true love.  If all you're thinking about is how you feel, how hurt you are without him, how much you miss him and how afraid you are of being without him, your focus is on the wrong person.

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