
How can I tell him.......??????

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How can I tell him that I love him. He's my really good guy friend and I think I really did fall in love with him...were not going out but when I'm with him all my problems go away. I just really love him....I don't know it was kinda weird how we meet but still how can I actully tell him I like him first....




  1. talk to him privately and just simply explain how you are feeling. i mean if he is a close friend he might have already sensed it and just hasnt said anything. maybe he is feeling the same way and just doesnt know how to tell you. how will you ever know if you if you dont tell him? i would say just flat out tell him but be subtle just in case he doesnt feel the same way like ya know.  GOOD LUCK!!! ♥

  2. well then pull him aside sometime and look him in the eyes and say wht you just wrote and yes its always ok for the girl to make the first move...

  3. It sounds like you really love him.

    If he's your friend, he probably will want to know your feelings, whether or not he feels the same way. Try getting him by yourself and explain how you've been feeling in a way that doesn't sound too intense or confrontational.

  4. it sounds that you love him

    so what i would suggest that you should straight away tell him and get the answer

    otherwise you wuold always be doubtful

    so its better simply talk to him before its too late

    express your feelings from your heart to him and donot think much before saying

    just let the words come from the heart

  5. You can tell him by just slipping things in there throughout conversations. Just little words that can lead up to when you tell him. But just keep in mind, if you tell him and he doesn't feel the same, there is a 98% chance the friendship will be gone and everything will be awkward. So ask yourself, what's more important a strong friendship going on for years? Or needing to tell him and get the words out there?

  6. You say, "it was kinda weird how we meet."  Is there some important information coded in that phrase?  

         Well, it is wonderful that you are friends--that's a great start, and a beginning that too many people skip.  Enjoy being friends!  On the other hand, you can express appreciation.  Example:  I really like to listen to music with you because. . . You are my favorite person for going to X with, because. . . A lot of people are afraid of rejection.  They want to be sure that you feel the same way as they do before expressing themselves.

         Expressing appreciation  would prepare the way for your friend to take the step to expressing romantic feelings if he wants.  Of course, there is the possibility that he needs YOU to run the risks: "We're so good together that I wonder how we'd be as a couple.  Have you ever thought about it?"  Of course, if he hasn't, your direct statement (a)t may encourage him to rush into something he's not ready for, or (b) it may close down the friendship.  

         Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

  7. Hi :)

    Is it a 'fling' or a 'crush' which can fade away after sometime?

    Or is it really being there for a long time, and you know it's gonna grow and last for a long time too?

    You know .. we're human being. When we live around and mostly close by, if one like another, we can sense it. And I am sure he has already noticed it.. It's just everyone waits, thinks, watch and measure before really giving in! Guys really do it, if they want true love and wanna settle or really looking for someone valuable to live with :)

    If the guy is not stable in his side, it's always he would just ignore this feeling of you and his, because he knows that you deserve someone better. Unless the guys wants to play with you for a while and when satisfied goes away to another one.

    Stability, trust and friendship is really important in any relationship. That's what makes your eyes open and understand things properly about it. So what do you think?

    You also can wait and see. Has he ever showed interest in you? Or you can go and just tell him that you like him [bravo].

    As long as you can take his respond. It can be positive, great he likes you too and start a good one... or just talk and admit that both like each other and wait for sometime knowing you two are therefore each other.

    Or.. negative respond is that he doesn't feel like such for you.. but he wants to be your friend yet. Are you agree?

    The other worst case, he doesn't want to be even your friend after your confession of true love..!!! ahhhh... what will happend then?

    I mean, you know his colours than us I guess. So to see the true colours, you really have to hang out and date at least for few years. Then before engagement at least you will know the prince or beast you got :)

    But for sure, don't go for a guy who is a lawyer type, I mean who will question each and everything about your life!!!!

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